On this page you will find the latest relevant updates on a broad range of health and policy related topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug use, overdose prevention, harm reduction, drug treatment and criminal justice.

World Hospice and Palliative Care Day - Why it matters!
13 Oct 2014
The International Hospice and Palliative Care Day draws attention to the unique and wonderful vocation of hospice and palliative care providers around the world.
The positive research behind the DCR debates in France
13 Oct 2014
Some researches conducted by Aerli (Accompagnement et éducation aux risques liés à l’injection) show a decrease of 41% complications during the injection, and a decrease of 43% in the risky practices around the HepC transmission.
HIV explosion in Romanian prisons: Drug users are the most affected population
9 Oct 2014
There is an accelerated rise in the HIV prevalence in prisoners in Romania. Out of the 321 HIV positive prisoners in 2013, 271 are people who use drugs, 127 of whom were registered in 2013. For now, only 15 prisoners have access to OST.
HIV-related stigma has increased in Uganda despite treatment roll-out
8 Oct 2014
The internalised stigma on HIV score increased by 11% from 2007 to 2012 in Uganda, according to an international team of investigators.
Viral Hepatitis and Drug Use in Europe
1 Oct 2014
BMC Infectious Disease supplement “Viral Hepatitis and Drug Use in Europe” is live.
NAPW Asks: "Who Among Us Will Take a Stand?"
1 Oct 2014
With this letter National Advocates for Pregnant Women continues its fight for the rights of pregnant women.
Taking Control: Pathways to drug policies that work
12 Sep 2014
The Global Commission proposes five pathways to improve the global drug policy regime.
Will the New Jersey Supreme Court Treat Pregnant Women Separately and Unequally?
9 Sep 2014
Today, the New Jersey Supreme Court will hear oral argument in New Jersey Department of Youth and Family Services vs. Y.N that will determine whether New Jersey will become the only state in the U.S. to effectively ban pregnant women from receiving methadone treatment.
Hepatitis C - prevention works!
26 Aug 2014
Rapid decline in HCV incidence among PWID associated with national scale-up in of harm reduction interventions
The American opiate crisis just gets worse
20 Aug 2014
Unlike the stuff coming from a pharmacy window, those in the black market don't get any sort of guarantee of purity or (relative) safety. They get whatever.
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