International Doctors for Healthier Drug Policies is the trading name of International Doctors for Healthier Drug Policies (“IDHDP”). IDHDP is a UK Community Interest Company l(“CIC”) limited by guarantee in accordance with company law in England and Wales (Company number – 08699645).

IDHDP is governed by a Board of Directors which comprises all of the Directors and any co-opted members. The Board meets approximately four times a year. The following documents and reports describe how we operate:

The formal document establishing IDHDP in 2013 includes details of the aims, objectives and powers of the association in accordance with company law in England and Wales. As a CIC limited by guarantee, there are certain rules and regulations governing how IDHDP operates, which are set out in the Articles of Association.

Financial Documents

IDHDP submits annual financial accounts as required under company law in England and Wales. Our income is generated from donations (personal and corporate), private foundations, trusts and conferences.


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