Since its incorporation in September 2013 – the Board governs IDHDP. The Board is comprised of five highly qualified members who are listed below.

 Dr Judith Yates

Yudit Yates        Dr Judith Yates has been a family doctor near the centre of Birmingham UK, for thirty years, specialising in working with people who use drugs and alcohol and over the last two years she has worked in a residential detox unit.

Judith has played a key role in advocating for the provision of take home Naloxone.  She has been part of a Naloxone Steering Group, which has extended the provision of take-home Naloxone across Birmingham. Judith is a founding member of the Independent Consortium on Drug Consumption Rooms and supports harm reduction measures which reduce morbidity associated with the use of drugs and alcohol.


Sidney H. Schnoll, M.D., Ph.D.

Sidney H. Schnoll, M.D., Ph.D., is an internationally recognized expert in addiction and pain management.   Sid also developed the RADARS® System to study the use and diversion of prescription opioids, which was cited by the FDA as a model risk management program.    Sid has received numerous awards including listings in The Best Doctors in America and is a Fellow of CPDD and the American Society of Addiction Medicine. With over thirty years in academic medicine, Sid has published over 150 research papers, book chapters and educational materials.  His areas of research include both addiction and pain management with special emphasis on perinatal addiction and prescription drug abuse.
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 Rakesh Bhasin

Rakesh Bhasin is a Solicitor and a Higher court advocate. He has practised in the field of criminal law for over 17 years. During that time he has represented numerous clients who have been involved with drugs including importation, supplying and using.

Rakesh has represented a number of clients who suffer the effects of historic drug use, some of whom are trying to rehabilitate, and most of whom continue to circulate through the criminal justice system despite their best intentions and efforts. Rakesh is a partner at Edwards Duthie Shamash




Professor Graham Foster

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Professor Foster is the Professor of Hepatology at Queen Marys University of London and a consultant hepatologist at Barts Health in East London. He has a long standing interest in chronic viral hepatitis and leads a number of national and international clinical trials evaluating new approaches to therapy. He runs clinical and laboratory research programs studying the pathophysiology and virology of hepatitis C.  Graham is involved in pioneering schemes to ensure that those who actively use illicit drugs have equal access to all necessary health care and he leads a team providing community access to drug users afflicted by viral hepatitis.



 Professor Carl Hart

Dr. Carl L. Hart, Ziff Professor at Columbia University and former chair of the Department of Psychology, is one of the world’s preeminent experts on the effects of so-called recreational drugs on the human mind and body. Dr. Hart has published more than 100 scientific articles in the area of neuropsychopharmacology and is co-author of the textbook Drugs, Society and Human Behavior (with Charles Ksir). His book, “High Price: A Neuroscientist’s Journey of Self-Discovery That Challenges Everything You Know About Drugs and Society,” was the 2014 winner of the PEN/E.O. Wilson Literary Science Writing Award. His most recent book is entitled, “Drug Use for Grown-ups: Chasing Liberty in the Land of Fear.”     

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