The world desperately needs a change from the failed policies that have seen an increase in drug related deaths.

The failed policies that have brought an increase in overdoses, an increase in the spread of blood-borne viruses including HIV and hepatitis B and C through injecting, lack of availability of evidence-based OST and pain relief, as well as what what appears to be the strongest application of the law on the poorest most marginalized members of society.

The time has come for doctors to become much more involved in policy making instead of fire fighting against this escalating level of death and disease.

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IDHDP continues to attract members which include, pediatricians, obstetricians, surgeons, palliative care specialists, cardiologists, gastroenterologists, HIV/AIDS specialists, addiction specialists, public health specialists, family practitioners and many more.   

All doctors should take much greater responsibility to promote change in the failed drug policies that are killing hundreds of thousands of people every year.     

If you are a doctor then join IDHDP now.

If you are doctor and want to get more involved, arrange an event in your country about one of the campaigns, find out how to influence your policymakers– email us at


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