IDHDP is fortunate to have a group Patrons who could also be described as an Advisory Board.  They are an excellent resource for advice on strategic issues and offer the type support that is only possible from such a diverse group of highly acclaimed medical experts. They are also listed below.

Prof. Michel Kazatchkine (Chair)
UN Special Envoy on HIV/AIDS for Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Michel Katzatchine 

Professor Kazatchkine has played key roles in various organizations, serving as Director of the national Agency for Research on AIDS (ANRS) in France, Chair of the WHO’s Strategic and Technical Committee on HIV/AIDS, Member of the WHO’s Scientific and Technical Advisory Group on Tuberculosis, and first Chair of the Global Fund’s Technical Review Panel.

In 2007, Professor Kazatchkine was elected Executive Director of the Global Fund, a position in which he served until March 2012. In July 2012, Professor Kazatchkine was appointed as the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy on HIV/AIDS in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.


Prof. Chris Beyrer

Director, Center for Public Health and Human Rights, Johns Hopkins University

Chris Beyrer MD, MPH, is a professor of Epidemiology, International Health, and Health, Behaviour, and Society at the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health.  He is the founding Director of the University’s Center for Public Health and Human Rights. In 2012, he became President- Elect of the International AIDS Society, and serves as President of the IAS, the world’s largest body of HIV professionals, from 2014-16.

Prof. Beyrer is the author of more than 200 scientific papers, and author or editor of six books, including War in the Blood: Sex, Politics and AIDS in Southeast Asia, and Public Health and Human Rights: Evidence-Based Approaches. He has served as a consultant and adviser to numerous national and international institutions.

Chris Beyrer 


Dr. Jessie Mbwambo

Psychiatrist, Muhimbili University College of Health Sciences

Jessie -mbwambo MD, is a Psychiatrist and the Program Coordinator for the Tanzania AIDS Prevention Program that also houses the Methadone Assisted Treatment program in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. She has worked with Dr. McCurdy in the Community component of the TAPP program as well as researched with the University of Texas School of Public Health in Dar es Salaam. For the last 20 years, she has been working in the area of HIV infections and more recently has focused her work on and is working with people who inject drugs and is one of the persons instrumental in setting the first public methadone clinic in mainland subSaharan Africa. She is a core member of the International Reference groups to the UN on HIV and injection drug use.


Dr. Fabio Mesquita

Director of the STDs, AIDS and Viral Hepatitis Department of Brazil's Ministry of Health

Dr. Fabio C. Mesquita was named director of Brazil's National Sexual Transmited Diseases, HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis programme of the Ministry of Health. Previously, Mesquita participated in Fogarty's AIDS International Training and Research Program and most recently worked as senior advisor and team leader on HIV in the WHO's Vietnam Country Office. Fabio -Mesquita


Prof. Julio Montaner

Director, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS

Dr. Montaner is a Professor of Medicine and Head of the Division of AIDS at UBC.  He also holds the endowed Chair in AIDS Research.  He is the Director of the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS and the Past-President of the International AIDS Society.  He played a key role in establishing the efficacy of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy and since then has established the role of ‘Treatment as Prevention’ using HAART to simultaneously decrease progression to AIDS and death, as well as HIV transmission.

Professor,Head-AIDS Division, endowed Chair-AIDS Research,UBC; Director-BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS; IAS Past-President.

 Julio Montaner


Prof. Adeeba Kamarulzaman

Director, Infectious Disease Unit Department of Malaya University of Malaya Medical Centre


Adeeba Kamarulzaman is Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Professor of Medicine and Infectious Diseases at the University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur.
Dr Kamarulzaman has been a strong advocate for HIV prevention and treatment for the key affected population in Malaysia and was instrumental in the introduction of evidence-based harm reduction programs to prevent HIV transmission amongst people who use drugs in Malaysia.

She is presently Co-Chair of the WHO Technical and Strategic Advisory Committee on HIV, is a Governing Council member of the International AIDS Society and an Executive Committee member of the International Society for Infectious Diseases.

Dr. Evan Wood

Co-Director, UHRI, Founder, International Center for Science in Drug Policy


Evan Wood is Professor of Medicine at the University of British Columbia and an attending physician on the Clinical Teaching Unit at St. Paul’s Hospital, where he works as a general internal medicine and addiction medicine specialist.

He is the Medical Director for Addiction Services at Vancouver Coastal Health and was the Founding Director of the St. Paul’s Hospital Goldcorp Fellowship in Addiction Medicine and Director of the Canada Addiction Medicine Research Fellowship.  Dr. Wood’s is the co-Director of St. Paul’s Hospital’s Urban Health Research Initiative, which is Western Canada’s largest US National Institutes of Health funded addiction research program.  

Evan -wood

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