Latest News
On this page you will find the latest relevant updates on a broad range of health and policy related topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug use, overdose prevention, harm reduction, drug treatment and criminal justice.
"Ayahuasca saved my life when there was no medical solution”
1 Sep 2022
A man from the Swiss canton of Vaud suffering from a rare disease that causes terrible pain finally found relief in this drug from South America. Its medical use is still poorly documented.
1 Sep 2022
A man from the Swiss canton of Vaud suffering from a rare disease that causes terrible pain finally found relief in this drug from South America. Its medical use is still poorly documented.
Morphine crisis deepens as cancer patients across country suffer
28 Jul 2022
Thousands of cancer patients, including children, and some of them in the terminal stage of the disease, continue to face miserable and painful deaths in Pakistan
28 Jul 2022
Thousands of cancer patients, including children, and some of them in the terminal stage of the disease, continue to face miserable and painful deaths in Pakistan
British drugs policy is punitive and contradictory. And now it’ll go backwards
21 Jul 2022
While other countries are abandoning a failed ‘war on drugs’, in its final days the Johnson administration is doubling down
21 Jul 2022
While other countries are abandoning a failed ‘war on drugs’, in its final days the Johnson administration is doubling down
Three men's deaths in Birmingham related to new synthetic drug
1 Jul 2022
Three men have died after taking a new synthetic drug, the BBC has learned. The three deaths in Birmingham, since October 2021, happened after the men took opioid N-pyrrolidino etonitazene.
1 Jul 2022
Three men have died after taking a new synthetic drug, the BBC has learned. The three deaths in Birmingham, since October 2021, happened after the men took opioid N-pyrrolidino etonitazene.
Scotland’s poor are left to die
7 Jun 2022
There is arguably one unifying theme which connects many of Britain’s current difficulties — proximity. From wealthy politicians tackling poverty to drug counsellors who’ve never smoked a joint.
7 Jun 2022
There is arguably one unifying theme which connects many of Britain’s current difficulties — proximity. From wealthy politicians tackling poverty to drug counsellors who’ve never smoked a joint.
Parolees With Opioid Addiction Need Choices, Not a Naltrexone-Only Policy
13 Jan 2022
Across the United States, people with opioid addiction who are on parole aren’t getting the right medication
13 Jan 2022
Across the United States, people with opioid addiction who are on parole aren’t getting the right medication
How two doctors are changing the rules in the fight against opioid overdose
11 Jan 2022
Dr. Louisa Marion-Bellemare, left, along with her colleague Dr. Julie Samson, have spearheaded changes to how Timmins, Ont., is dealing with the record number of opioid-related deaths in their community. They include a new treatment strategy, and doctors working with street outreach teams to encourage opioid users to get treatment.
11 Jan 2022
Dr. Louisa Marion-Bellemare, left, along with her colleague Dr. Julie Samson, have spearheaded changes to how Timmins, Ont., is dealing with the record number of opioid-related deaths in their community. They include a new treatment strategy, and doctors working with street outreach teams to encourage opioid users to get treatment.
The women filling jails in Argentina for drug offences
7 Jan 2022
Nearly half the female prisoners in Argentina are serving time for drug possession. Photographer Magalí Druscovich visited the Unit 47 prison in Buenos Aires to find out their stories
7 Jan 2022
Nearly half the female prisoners in Argentina are serving time for drug possession. Photographer Magalí Druscovich visited the Unit 47 prison in Buenos Aires to find out their stories
Overdose prevention centres will save lives, say UK senior doctors
12 Dec 2021
Experts have joined forces to call for clinics to be set up where drug users can inject in a supervised setting
12 Dec 2021
Experts have joined forces to call for clinics to be set up where drug users can inject in a supervised setting