On this page you will find the latest relevant updates on a broad range of health and policy related topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug use, overdose prevention, harm reduction, drug treatment and criminal justice.

Number of smokers has reached all-time high of 1.1 billion, study finds
28 May 2021
Governments told to focus on stopping young from taking up habit that killed 8 million people in 2019
28 May 2021
Transform, working with Release, DrugScience, LEAPUK and other partners, will focus on expanding the coalition of individuals and organisations who are prepared to stand up and say ‘enough is enough’.
From a punitive to public health drug approach
28 May 2021
In May 2020, at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, a man in Singapore was sentenced to death for a drug offense via a remote hearing on Zoom.
Big pharma executives mocked ‘pillbillies’ in emails, West Virginia opioid trial hears
17 May 2021
Executives at one of the US’s largest drug distributors circulated rhymes and emails mocking “hillbillies” who became addicted to opioid painkillers even as the company poured hundreds of millions of pills into parts of Appalachia at the heart of America’s opioid epidemic.
Push back for more Victorian safe injecting rooms in Melbourne suburbs
15 May 2021
Ms Patten, who is an Upper House MP suggested the new sites be set up at St Kilda, Footscray and Dandenong.
Paris Has a Serious Crack Problem, and It’s Spiraling out of Control
13 May 2021
....dubbed the “walking dead” by locals who post voyeuristic videos online are seeking refuge in city parks.......
At Least One Police Officer a Month in the UK Loses Their Job Due to Drug Taking
13 May 2021
But there are concerns over how forces treat officers with drug problems.
Carl Hart urges us to change the way we think about drug use.
12 May 2021
He joins Janna Levin to discuss his recent book Drug Use for Grown-Ups: Chasing Liberty in the Land of Fear.
Initiative Aims to Increase Methadone, Bupe Access in Pennsylvania Jails
11 May 2021
Jerome Maynor was prescribed methadone. His medication was working for him and he was stably employed. Suddenly, parole infraction got him thrown back in jail and refused him access to his medication. What followed—forced withdrawal—was agony for Maynor.
Drugs ‘trilemma’: how to halt the deadly trade while still ensuring development and peace
11 May 2021
The raid on a favela in the Jacarezinho area of the city represents one of the deadliest police operations in Rio in recent years.
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