This campaign is launched to raise awareness of the unacceptable inequity preventing the poorest 80% of the world’s population access to controlled medicines, like morphine, for the treatment of pain

In 2016, to be in terrible agony while dying from painful conditions such as cancer or end-stage AIDS, or from being a women with complications in childbirth or anyone enduring serious injuries is completely unnecessay and must be considered a sore on the conscience of society.

Why does the richest 20% of the world's population take it for granted that these controlled medicines will be readily available in such circumstances? Watch this 50 second film to see why.

Campaign Support
Leading organizations specializing in pain and palliative care are coming togther to support this campaign include Human Rights Watch, International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care, Pallium, India and many more.  If your organization would like to join the growing list of supporters please email

Fear and Confusion
It is largely the international drug control system, in trying to stop the misuse of drugs like heroin, which is preventing access to medicines like morphine, for the treatment of pain.  There should be no reason why it is not possible to reduce the harm created by the misuse of drugs like heroin, while at the same time ensuring that drugs like morphine are readily available for the treatment of pain.

If your organization would like to join the growing list of supporters please email

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