Leading organizations specializing in pain and palliative care, many who have been working tirelessly on this for many years, are coming together to support this campaign."IAHPC works on expanding the policy space available to countries and communities to improve access to controlled medicines for the relief of pain and suffering. We welcome the IDHDP Campaign to bring attention to this issue."

10 Mar 2016

 ‘The RCGP is pleased to support the campaign ‘Striving for equity in the treatment of pain’. The College believes that there is a basic human right of access to medicine to alleviate otherwise intolerable pain. All doctors should strive to ensure that all of their patients have access to appropriate controlled medicines, particularly in the area of effective palliative care and the treatment of pain.’


-Human Rights Watch

-Kenya Hospices and Palliative Care Association

-International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care


-Chronic Pain Policy Coalition

-Pallium, India

-Faculty of Pain Medicine, UK

-Worldwide Hospice Palliative Care Alliance

-International Centre for Science in Drug Policy

-World Federation of Anaesthelogists

 -Royal College of General Practitioners


If your organization would like to join the growing list of supporters please email ask@idhdp.com

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