On this page you will find the latest relevant updates on a broad range of health and policy related topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug use, overdose prevention, harm reduction, drug treatment and criminal justice.

The vulnerabilities of women who inject drugs
14 Aug 2014
Stigmatization, vulnerability, marginalization and high risk for HIV.
13 Aug 2014
The UN General Assembly will hold a Special Session (UNGASS) on drugs in 2016.
Two heavyweights put forward their cases
12 Aug 2014
One for and one against drug prohibition
Bleak Outlook for Global Fight Against HIV/AIDS Among Drug Users
11 Aug 2014
Despite declarations that we are within touching distance of eradicating HIV/AIDS, without a more concerted effort and further investment in combating the disease among injecting drug users this will never become a reality, a recent report has outlined.
Crimea's Heroin Addicts Are Dying Under Russian Drug Laws
6 Aug 2014
Russia’s annexation of Crimea earlier this year is having a painful effect on the peninsula’s 806 registered heroin addicts…..
The funding crisis for Harm Reduction
6 Aug 2014
There can be no ‘AIDS free generation’ without targeted efforts with and for people who inject drugs, yet, as this report shows, funding for harm reduction falls dangerously short of estimated need.
5 Aug 2014
How police, sex workers, and people who use drugs are joining forces to improve health and human rights
World Hepatitis Day - New EMCDDA study published
29 Jul 2014
Published today on World Hepatitis Day: New EMCDDA review on hepatitis C virus infection among people who inject drugs in Europe
Hepatitis C Virus Infection Epidemiology among People Who Inject Drugs in Europe
29 Jul 2014
A Systematic Review of Data for Scaling Up Treatment and Prevention
Hepatitis C in the UK 2014 report
29 Jul 2014
In the UK, this report shows that around 214,000 individuals have long-term (chronic) infection with hepatitis C, and not surprisingly hepatitis C-related end-stage liver disease is continuing to rise.
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