On this page you will find the latest relevant updates on a broad range of health and policy related topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug use, overdose prevention, harm reduction, drug treatment and criminal justice.

Naloxone – saving lives
18 Oct 2014
The life-saving effect of naxolone is that it temporarily reverses the effects of an opiate overdose, it has no effect on overdoses resulting from the use of other drugs and it acts quickly: it can begin to wear off in 20 mins.
Medicine prices at risk under Pacific trade draft: Critics
17 Oct 2014
Medicine costs would rise if draft proposals in a Pacific Rim trade pact come into force, health and consumer rights advocates say after the release of a leaked negotiating text.
Reducing drug-related deaths: London 2014
16 Oct 2014
In the UK, a shocking rise in number of deaths was registered in 2013. Among many others, the risk-factors that increase the risk of overdose are the lack of appropriate non-coercive Opiate Substitute Treatment (OST).
Colombian peace agreements on drugs: Rural development and health
16 Oct 2014
The substitution of illicit crops, drug use prevention, public health, and to solve the issue of the production and sale of drugs have been the main discussion points on drug policies in the Colombian peace round tables in La Habana.
Punitive laws hindering the HIV response in Asia and the Pacific
15 Oct 2014
Over the past years, over 10 countries in Asia and the Pacific have removed or revised a number of punitive laws on HIV. These actions are helping to enable more people to access HIV services.
UNAIDS: Investing in local production of medicines is a priority
15 Oct 2014
Expanding access to HIV treatment has profound benefits, not only for individual recipients and their families but for economies as a whole, given the increased productivity, greater longevity and lower long-term health expenditure.
Huge majority thinks 'war on drugs' has failed, The Observer poll finds
15 Oct 2014
An increasing proportion of Britons favours a more liberal approach to drugs and would support decriminalisation strategies, according to a survey commissioned by the Observer.
France uses tax to put pressure on hepatitis C drug prices
15 Oct 2014
If social security spending on hepatitis C drugs exceeds 450 million euros ($567 million) in 2014, the makers of those drugs will be taxed, announces the French government.
Tuberculosis: A Crisis in Eastern Europe and Central Asia that the West cannot ignore
14 Oct 2014
Although new technologies are now available to diagnose Tuberculosis and test for TB drug susceptibility / resistance, the reality is that less than 50 per cent of the estimated new cases of TB are diagnosed across the region.
Health Canada's prescription heroin ban issued on thin ground
13 Oct 2014
In October 2013, Health Canada banned B.C. doctors from prescribing heroin to drug dependents.
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