An increasing proportion of Britons favours a more liberal approach to drugs and would support decriminalisation strategies, according to a survey commissioned by the Observer.

15 Oct 2014

An increasing proportion of Britons favours a more liberal approach to drugs and would support decriminalisation strategies, according to a comprehensive survey commissioned by the Observer.
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An overwhelming majority also believes that the so-called "war on drugs" is futile, with 84% saying that the decades-long campaign by law enforcement agencies against the global narcotics trade can never be won.

The poll provides welcome reading for those campaigning for illegal drugs to be decriminalised, with 27% saying that Britain's drug laws are not liberal enough. A previous Observer survey into the nation's drug-taking habits, in 2008, recorded a figure of 18%, suggesting a society that is steadily moving towards greater tolerance of drug use.

The proportion of Britons who believe certain drugs should be decriminalised has risen from 27% to 39% since 2008.

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