On this page you will find the latest relevant updates on a broad range of health and policy related topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug use, overdose prevention, harm reduction, drug treatment and criminal justice.

21 Jul 2014
"....to leave no one behind...."
18 Jul 2014
"Ensuring that no one is left behind means closing the gap between........, the people who are protected and the people who are punished."
100,000 lives annually
9 Jul 2014
Drug death toll triples in Russia
Reevaluating Drug Courts
7 Jul 2014
No mother should have to go through what I did
2014 CND and its High-Level Segment
4 Jul 2014
IDPC's report of proceedings of the 2014 Commission on Narcotic Drugs and its High-Level Segment
No Time to Waste
3 Jul 2014
Evidence-Based treatment for drug dependence at the United States Veterans Administration
A hepatitis C story worth telling
1 Jul 2014
The good news is that unlike many viruses, including HIV, we do have a way of clearing hepatitis C. We have hepatitis C treatment.
Hungary Is facing an HIV epidemic among drug users
20 Jun 2014
Despite the first HIV transmissions among drug users, the largest Hungarian needle and syringe program has been forced to shut down, because of political attacks
Increased opioid-related mortality in the US and Canada
18 Jun 2014
Determinants of increased opioid-related mortality in the United States and Canada, 1990–2013: A systematic review
Beneath the streets of Romania's capital, a living hell
18 Jun 2014
Deep under the streets of Bucharest - in Europe, in the 21st century - there is a network of tunnels and sewers that is home to hundreds of men, women and children stricken by drug abuse HIV and TB.
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