On this page you will find the latest relevant updates on a broad range of health and policy related topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug use, overdose prevention, harm reduction, drug treatment and criminal justice.

Dalgarno Institute Research Report
18 Jun 2014
This paper examines the evidence that HIV and HCV transmission is impacted by harm reduction (HR) policies and to evaluate the benefit to drug users and the community from these policies.
The international mood on drug use and addiction is shifting from punishment to treatment
17 Jun 2014
The UN has added its voice to the growing cry to rebrand substance abuse disorders as an issue of public health – a matter for doctors, not police.
Not Just in Transit!
13 Jun 2014
A new report by the West Africa Commission on Drugs (WACD) says that drug trafficking, consumption and production in West Africa is undermining institutions, threatening public health and damaging development efforts.
A Global Victory for Palliative Care
2 Jun 2014
On May 23, the World Health Organization passed its first ever stand-alone palliative care resolution. It calls on all member states to integrate palliative care and pain relief into their national health systems.
Last stand for the drug warriors
1 Jun 2014
Three decades ago, in announcing an initiative to curtail drug abuse, President Reagan compared the enforcement of drug laws to the Battle of Verdun -- one of the costliest and deadliest battles of World War I
Médecins du Monde - New Treatments for Hepatitis C Virus
30 May 2014
Those working for MdM do not solely dispense care and treatment but condemn violations of human dignity and rights and fight to improve matters for populations living in precarious situations.
European Drug Report - Trends and developments
30 May 2014
The EMCDDA’s 2014 European Drug Report (EDR) presents a new analysis of the drug situation, accompanied by an overview of developments in interventions and policies.
World Health Assembly approves plan to strengthen access to essential medicines
27 May 2014
WHO members tonight approved a resolution aimed at improving access to essential medicines. Agreement came after a compromise on a proposed provision referencing other medicines that are not qualified as essential medicines.
Prisons and Health
27 May 2014
This book outlines important suggestions by international experts to improve the health of those in prison and to reduce both the health risks and risks to society of imprisonment.
A life of dignity for all
14 May 2014
Speech given by Michel Kazatchkine on the opening day of the 4th Conference on HIV/AIDS in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
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