The EMCDDA’s 2014 European Drug Report (EDR) presents a new analysis of the drug situation, accompanied by an overview of developments in interventions and policies.

30 May 2014

The EMCDDA’s 2014 European Drug Report (EDR) presents a new analysis of the drug situation, accompanied by an overview of developments in interventions and policies. Rooted in a comprehensive review of both European and national data, the EDR package offers an interlinked range of products, with the Trends and developments report at its centre. By taking a multi-dimensional approach, an in-depth analysis of key topics is presented alongside a more top-level overview of major issues and long-term trends. This perspective is of value, as it allows differing national experiences to be understood within the broader context offered by European-level data. Whatever your interests in the European drug situation, we are confident that the new EDR package will allow you easy access to high-quality information and analysis in a form appropriate to your specific needs.

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Read whole report here


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