On this page you will find the latest relevant updates on a broad range of health and policy related topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug use, overdose prevention, harm reduction, drug treatment and criminal justice.

White House drug czar: DC should be allowed to legalise marijuana
9 Feb 2015
The head of the White House's drug policy office on Friday suggested Washington, DC, should be able to legalize marijuana without federal obstruction.
Special programme on AIDS crisis in Ukraine
9 Feb 2015
The lack of VIH/AIDS treatment and medications shortage in Ukraine is also affecting children.
Overdose prevention in a New York city prison: Start of a groundbreaking new initiative
9 Feb 2015
New York State has launched a pilot program at a New York City's Queensboro Correctional Facility, in which all individuals being released will be given training in overdose recognition and response, and they will be offered naloxone.
A cheap, safe way to prevent thousands of overdose deaths
6 Feb 2015
Increasing the availability and accessibility of naloxone would reduce overdose deaths overnight.
Health care collapsing amid fighting in east Ukraine
6 Feb 2015
Health services in east Ukraine are running out of essential medicines and facing serious shortages of doctors as fighting continues between the army and pro-Russian separatists.
The purity of illicit drugs such is rising across Britain
6 Feb 2015
New routes have emerged and recipes have been tweaked, adn as a result of all this innovation, wholesale drug prices are falling, according to DrugScope.
Growing movement to end the war on drugs
3 Feb 2015
It is time to recognise the harms caused by the illusion of the global goal of a drug-free world which would be achieved through prohibition and repression.
I’m a palliative care doctor: This is what I do
2 Feb 2015
Evidence supporting the impact of palliative care on quality of life continues to grow as quickly as the field itself.
The road to the UN General Assembly Special Session on Drugs in 2016
31 Jan 2015
There is a clear sense that attempts to stifle debate on both the failings of international drug policy and the possibility of exploring alternative approaches will not succeed.
EMCDDA director: Drug policies in the perspective of the UNGASS 2016 on drugs
31 Jan 2015
Mr. Götz highlighted the EU's crucial role at the 2016 UNGASS, speaking with a unified voice to bring "more Europe" into world drugs policy.
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