On this page you will find the latest relevant updates on a broad range of health and policy related topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug use, overdose prevention, harm reduction, drug treatment and criminal justice.

The problem with treating pain in America
31 Jan 2015
The number of opioid prescriptions for pain in the US has gone from 76 million in 1991 to 219 million in 2011.
Hepatitis C drug delayed by NHS due to high cost
31 Jan 2015
NHS England balks at bill for dispensing sofosbuvir: £1bn for every 20,000 people treated.
The never-ending war on drugs
28 Jan 2015
What should be the aim of drugs policy? The consensus is that we should seek to reduce harm. A new approach is needed.
Official: Drug addicts in Iran on the rise
27 Jan 2015
The number of drug users is growing in Iran and universities should teach compulsory courses against narcotics abuse, the country’s deputy chief of combating narcotics said.
Legal highs and prescription drugs face ban in English and Welsh prisons
27 Jan 2015
The UK justice secretary will be able to ban any legal drug inside prisons, including prescription drugs and “legal highs”, under a crackdown to start this week.
Ukrainian drug addicts dying due to treatment ban, says UN
21 Jan 2015
United Nations envoy says those on substitution therapy in annexed Crimea could face death after Russia made it illegal.
India rejects Gilead's Hepatitis C drug patent request
20 Jan 2015
India's patent office has rejected an application from U.S.-based Gilead Sciences Inc for its hepatitis C drug Sovaldi, paving the way for local drugmakers to launch cheaper generic versions of the $1,000-a-pill medicine.
Virginia Berridge on the history of drug control, Rolleston and the 'British System'
20 Jan 2015
Virginia Berridge, professor of History at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, explains how the shaping of the UK drug control in the 20th Century was influenced by the US control system, and how the fact that many of the drug users were middle class and doctors created a disparity on policies.
Rethinking overdose intervention
18 Jan 2015
Rethinking both product design and service design have the potential to save lives in the administration of overdose medication, naloxone.
Palliative care improving in Uganda
18 Jan 2015
This national policy will ensure that palliative care is entrenched into the Ugandan healthcare system.
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