On this page you will find the latest relevant updates on a broad range of health and policy related topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug use, overdose prevention, harm reduction, drug treatment and criminal justice.

Ketamine should not be restricted: A conversation with Christopher Hallam
23 Feb 2015
The lack of access to essential medicines is partially due to the overemphasis put by the International Narcotics Control Board on tackling the illicit production, trafficking and uses of drugs, instead of paying greater attention to guarantee the availability to essential medicines.
Why is a life saving, recommended and licensed medicine being ignored?
19 Feb 2015
There is nothing to prevent those at risk of opiate overdose being prescribed naloxone now, and yet over 50% of local authorities, who are now responsible for commissioning drug treatment in England, do not currently provide it.
International Federation of Red Cross on adding Ketamine on the list of the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances
18 Feb 2015
Ketamine has an undisputable role in humanitarian assistance and in prehospital and disaster medicine. There are no available alternatives to ketamine to provide safe anaesthesia in some of the most challenging clinical situations and emergency settings.
ECDC and EMCDDA release a joint rapid risk assessment on wound botulism among people who inject heroin
18 Feb 2015
Recent cases of botulism in Norway and Scotland were reported to have involved heroin use and most involved the intramuscular injection of the drug. In all the Norwegian cases, the individuals had bought the drugs in the Oslo area.
CND decision to schedule ketamine would undermine WHO treaty mandate
17 Feb 2015
The UN Commission considers to bring ketamine under the control of the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances contrary to WHO recommendations
So smoking ¨skunk¨cause psychosis, but milder cannabis doesn't?
17 Feb 2015
Past cannabis research has mainly focused on the effects of THC – which has been shown in randomized trials to induce transient psychotic experiences. However, recent evidence has hinted that cannabidiol (CBD), another cannabinoid, might be protective against psychosis.
Doctors challenge hepatitis C drug patent in price protest
13 Feb 2015
Doctors in France are challenging the patent of a new and highly expensive drug for hepatitis C in an attempt to bring down the price.
Worldwide treatment of hepatitis C could be within sight at the right cost
12 Feb 2015
Lowering the cost of hepatitis C drugs is possible and it is key to achieving global access to treatment, according to new research.
Email your MP to push for Naloxone in England
10 Feb 2015
In 2013 there were 765 deaths involving heroin/morphine in England – a sharp rise of 32% from the previous year. Many of these fatalities could have been prevented by the use of Naloxone as an intervention. Email your MP to push for Naloxone in England!
New Surgeon General, Dr Vivek Murthy, has suggested US drug policy ought to be science-led
9 Feb 2015
The top doctor in the US has acknowledged for the first time that marijuana has legitimate medical applications, potentially signalling a change in Washington’s attitude to cannabis.
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