On this page you will find the latest relevant updates on a broad range of health and policy related topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug use, overdose prevention, harm reduction, drug treatment and criminal justice.

Dr. Lochan Naidoo - A frank conversation about drugs
30 Mar 2015
The President of the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB), Dr Lochan Naidoo, became a member of IDHDP while attending CND 2015 in Vienna and calls his colleagues to assume a core role in drug policy, which should be considered a health issue.
The UN analyses the human rights impact of drug policies ahead the UNGASS 2016
30 Mar 2015
On March 27, the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) approved by consensus a resolution that convenes a panel of experts to discuss drug policies and their rights impact.
Health Canada grants exemption to Insite drug injection centre
28 Mar 2015
Health Canada has granted Vancouver’s Insite supervised drug injection site an exemption to operate for another year.
Declaration universal access to affordable medicine
27 Mar 2015
Every year around the world 100 million people are pushed below the poverty line as a result of health care expenses. Over 10 million die because they cannot afford the medicine they need.
Amid crisis, states expand access to opioid rescue drug
25 Mar 2015
Thirty states and the District of Columbia have enacted laws or developed pilot programs to widen access to naloxone.
Seattle's sensible approach puts drug offenders into treatment, not jail
25 Mar 2015
Within the pre-arrest diversion pilot low-level drug and prostitution offenders – of whom 80%-86% are homeless – are referred to the project’s case-workers by police.
INPUD condemns Russia’s denial of access to essential medicines in Crimea
25 Mar 2015
INPUD’s video, Slow Death in Ukraine, documents some of the on-the-ground impacts of Russia’s annexation of Crimea on people who use drugs, on their health, and on their human rights.
Harper government moves to block supervised injection services for drug users in Canada
25 Mar 2015
The House of Commons in Canada passed Bill C-2, ''the Respect for Communities Act'' that effectively bans supervised injection facilities like Insite and overturns a supreme court decision's acknowledgin the right to access the safe injection facility.
Hepatitis C: only a step away from elimination?
24 Mar 2015
'A series of new drugs - more effective in viral clearance with fewer side-effects - are changing the landscape for hepatitis C'.
Prescription drugs involved in 82% of overdose deaths, Victoria (Australia) coroner says
23 Mar 2015
Benzodiazepines were most commonly implicated in toxic deaths.
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