On this page you will find the latest relevant updates on a broad range of health and policy related topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug use, overdose prevention, harm reduction, drug treatment and criminal justice.

Have prescription painkillers increased death rates in white women in the United States?
9 Apr 2015
Over the past 15 years, death rates among white women in the United States have surged. New research blames prescription painkillers. - The Washington Post
France passes bill allowing drug consumption rooms
9 Apr 2015
France is set to join a handful of other countries by introducing medically supervised injection centres (MSICs) for drug users.
Drug Reporter: Reports from the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs 2015
8 Apr 2015
Video overviews on current political debates of international drug control.
Concluding observations on the seventh periodic report of the Russian Federation
6 Apr 2015
The advance unedited concluding observations of the UN Human Rights Committee on Russia, in relation to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
HIV outbreak strikes Indiana town
6 Apr 2015
BBC video report from the town of Austin in Indiana where more than 80 people have tested positive for HIV.
Ticking timebomb: why ice could be the new drug scourge of the outback
31 Mar 2015
The concern over a resurgence in volatile substance abuse is compounded by fears of an emerging drug problem with crystal methamphetamine, commonly known as ice.
Courts order ice addicts into oversubscribed support programs
31 Mar 2015
Courts in New South Wales are repeatedly ordering crystal meth users into treatment programs that cannot take them, as funding cuts and staff shortages leave a generation of addicts stranded without support.
An injecting room worked for heroin: Let's have one to help beat ice
31 Mar 2015
In the 14 years since the Sydney’s Kings Cross injecting room opened, there has not been a single overdose death on the premises. A similar policy could be applied to reduce harms of the methamphetamine market, which is - according the Australian Crime Commission - "the highest risk to the Australian community".
HRI launches 10 by 20 campaign
31 Mar 2015
At the recent CND meeting in Vienna, Harm Reduction International launched its 10 by 20 campaign. It calls on governments to redirect just 10% of the resources currently spent on law enforcement to provably effective harm reduction interventions by the year 2020
Indiana suddenly needs a needle exchange program
30 Mar 2015
Indiana has declared a public health emergency over an outbreak of H.I.V. in the southeastern part of the state.
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