On this page you will find the latest relevant updates on a broad range of health and policy related topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug use, overdose prevention, harm reduction, drug treatment and criminal justice.

New EMCDDA review studies the effectiveness of overdose antidote, naloxone
18 Jan 2015
As many overdoses occur in the presence of drug users' family members or peers, however, empowering bystanders to act effectively, before emergency services arrive at the scene, naloxone can save lives.
US Heroin-linked deaths surge 39 percent in 2013
12 Jan 2015
US opioid overdose deaths linked to heroin jumped 39 percent in 2013 from the year before, in a context where users of prescription painkillers switched to the cheaper, illicit street drug.
IDHDP welcomes Dr Sidney Schnoll and Willem Scholten as new members of the Board
9 Jan 2015
IDHDP is very pleased to have attracted two highly accomplished individuals to join the board of directors.
Medical marijuana: Let the doctors, not politicians, sort it out
7 Jan 2015
Most Australians, and many politicians, agree medical marijuana is a no-brainer. But there remain important unanswered questions about its use.
Researchers one step closer to cocaine "antidote"
7 Jan 2015
Researchers at the University of Copenhagen have gained new insight into the mechanism behind a protein dopamine transporter that could help in the development of future medical treatment against cocaine addiction.
Why 2015 is a huge year for harm reduction?
6 Jan 2015
The movement to reclaim the health and dignity of people who use drugs has celebrated the rapid passage of overdose prevention and syringe decriminalization laws, expanded access to naloxone, and welcomed endorsements from such prominent, previously skeptical agencies.
Myanmar returns to what sells: Heroin
5 Jan 2015
Growing opium poppies is illegal in Myanmar, but farmers in this remote and desperately poor region say they have few viable options.
Lift ban on cannabis for medical research: Oncologists
3 Jan 2015
Pointing out how India is lagging behind other countries in cannabis research, Dr B S Ajai Kumar, chairman of HCG Enterprises, asked for research on medicinal benefits of cannabis derivatives to prevent blood supply to the cancer tumour.
Health Poverty Action supports a reassessment of the War on Drugs
2 Jan 2015
Since the mid-twentieth century, global drug policy has been dominated by strict prohibition with the use of law enforcement to try and reduce the supply of illicit drugs. This approach, which has come to be known as the ‘War on Drugs’, hasn’t worked.
Harm reduction in Hungary: Need for political leadership
24 Dec 2014
In Hungary - an EU member state that is not eligible to receive Global Fund money - lack of political and financial support led to the closure of the largest needle and syringe program.
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