It is time to recognise the harms caused by the illusion of the global goal of a drug-free world which would be achieved through prohibition and repression.

3 Feb 2015

Europe Correspondent Ann Cahill

A global group of leaders wants to end what it says is a failed policy and instead focus on legalising use and putting people’s health first.  It is time to abandon the idea of a “drug free world”, according to a team of world political and business leaders.

Half a century of trying to rid the world of illegal drugs has simply built massive criminal empires, killed millions of people, wasted billions of government euro and increased the problems, the group states.

Next year, the United Nations will reflect on its drug policies — and now is the time to change them, says the Global Commission on Drug Policy —composed of business leader Richard Branson, former UN head Kofi Annan, former presidents of nine countries, and a raft of human rights, legal, and health specialists.

“It is time to recognise the harms caused by the illusion of the global goal of a drug-free world which would be achieved through prohibition and repression,” said Michel Kazatchkine, the UN secretary-generals’ special envoy on HIV/Aids.

Read the full news article.

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