On this page you can find relevant researchs on drug-related health topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug and overdose prevention, harm reduction and drug treatment. You can also find our Clinical Guidelines.

Short Description on Situation of Problematic Drug Users in Kosovo and Launch of Methadone Maintenance Therapy (MMT)
Presentation given by Safet Blakaj - Drejtor Ekzekutiv - Labyrinth, on June 23, 2012 at the (South Eastern European and Adriatic Addiction Treatment Network conference in Tirana, Albania.
Partners in Crime: International Funding for Drug Control and Gross Violations of Human Rights.
This report connects international aid for drug enforcement to gross human rights. Drug enforcement funding from donor states, often via the United Nations, to countries where executions, arbitrary detention, physical abuse and slave labour are weapons in the war on drugs.
The War on Drugs and HIV/AIDS, How the Criminalization of Drug Use Fuels the Global Pandemic
The remarkable failure of drug law enforcement policies in reducing global drug supply, noting that the worldwide supply of illicit opiates, such as heroin, has increased by more than 380 percent in recent decades. The Commissioners also stress the drug war’s contribution to the growth of organized crime and violence, and urge countries that under-utilize proven addiction treatment and public health measures to immediately scale up evidence-based strategies to reduce HIV infection and protect community health and safety.
Defining dosing pattern characteristics of successful tapers following methadone maintenance treatment: results from a population-based retrospective cohort study
The study aims to identify dose-tapering strategies associated with sustained success following methadone maintenance treatment (MMT).
U.S. v Cameron Douglas - Amicus Brief
IDHDP joins other medical experts and advocates in filing this Amici Curiae brief in U.S. Federal Court to help call attention to the neglect of prisoners' addiction treatment needs in U.S. prisons.
Developing a Modified Directly Observed Therapy Intervention for Hepatitis C Treatment in a Methadone Maintenance Program: Implications for Program Replication
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a prevalent chronic blood-borne infection among opioid-dependent patients on methadone maintenance treatment (MMT). Despite case reports and case–control studies, a randomized controlled trial (RCT) examining HCV treatment adherence in methadone-maintained patients is lacking and was the impetus for this ongoing RCT examining modified directly administered therapy for HCV treatment integrated within a MMT.
HIV, drug use and the Global Fund: Don’t Stop Now!
International HIV/AIDS Alliance demonstrate that a crisis in the Global Fund is a crisis for harm reduction, as the Global Fund has become the largest funder of global HIV and harm reduction programmes targeting people who use drugs. The report includes a set of recommendations, most prominent of which is a call to the Global Fund to ensure that it continues to support HIV and harm reduction programmes, so that global commitments to reduce HIV transmission of HIV among people who inject drugs by 50% by 2015 can be met.
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and Support for Middle Income Countries
The International HIV/AIDS Alliance urges the Global Fund Board to revoke the 55% rule immediately and therefore stop its application to existing grants, grant renewals and future new grants.
Human Rights and Drugs - Volume II
International Centre on Human Rights and Drug Policy. Articles in this volume address coerced drug treatment, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the INCB and ayahuasca, and the death penalty for drug in China. There are also two case summaries on the Canadian Supreme Court decision on Insite, and on the Irish Press Ombudsman decision against an Irish newspaper for hate speech against people who are drug dependent.
Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs: Consideration of naloxone
The ACMD concludes that naloxone provision is an evidence-based intervention, which can save lives. Naloxone provision fits with other measures to promote recovery by encouraging drug users to engage with treatment services, and ultimately, keep them alive until they are in recovery. This report recommends actions for government to take to consider naloxone’s role in steps to make an impact on drug-related death rates.
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