On this page you can find relevant researchs on drug-related health topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug and overdose prevention, harm reduction and drug treatment. You can also find our Clinical Guidelines.

A definition of ‘drug mules’ for use in a European context
EMCDDA explores whether a common definition of ‘drug mules’ can be developed in the European context and assesses the implications of this for data gathering and future research.
Joint UN Statement calls for the closure of compulsory drug detention and rehabilitation centers
The joint statement has been signed by twelve United Nations entities. They are calling for the closure of compulsory drug detention and rehabilitation centers.
Medicine and the Epidemic of Incarceration in the United States
This document analysis the dynamics of prison medicine as it relates to the issue of mental disorders.
CIDE: submissions for the position in drug policy
CIDE’s Región Centro campus, located in the city of Aguascalientes, Mexico, is calling for submissions for the position of Visiting Professor in the area of drug policy.
Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems
This official journal of EUROPAD (European Opiate Addiction Treatment Association), is a peer-reviewed publication for professionals wanting to stay informed of research and opinion on opioid misuse treatment in Europe and around the world. A particular emphasis is on medication-assisted treatments for opioid addiction.
Newsletter Intercambiando n°34 - February 2012
This newsletter highlights; Drug Policy in Argentina: changes in several agencies, Latin America does not take vacations in drug issues, Global Technical Meeting on Stimulant drugs use and HIV and Reflection on the role of school: Get mixed up to care them or to annoy them?
Drug policy and the public good: evidence for effective intervention
The comprehensive review is the first of its kind to examine the effectiveness of all types of preventative drug policy worldwide, including policies to control the supply of drugs, prescription programmes to control pharmaceuticals, prevention programmes and health and social services for drug users.
Hindawi Publishing Corporation - call for papers
Call for papers from the Hindawi Publishing Corporation regarding Evidence-Based Prevention Interventions for People Who Use Illicit Drugs.
HIV in injecting drug users in the EU/EEA, following a reported increase of cases in Greece and Romania
In response to a notified increase in HIV cases among injecting drug users (IDU) in Greece and Romania, the European Commission asked the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) in November 2011 to conduct a rapid inquiry among their network of HIV surveillance- and drug focal points to investigate whether such increases had occurred in other countries
The Inadequate Treatment of Pain: Collateral Damage from the War on Drugs
This document provides a critical look at the current realities of access to morphine in low-, middle-, and high-income countries.
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