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Opiate Flows Through Northern Afghanistan and Central Asia - A Threat Assessment
UNODC Studies and Threat Analysis Section (STAS), Division for Policy Analysis and Public Affairs (DPA), in the framework of UNODC Trends Monitoring and Analysis Programme/Afghan Opiate Trade Project, with the collaboration of the UNODC Country Office in Afghanistan and the UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia.
EMCDDA trend report for the evaluation of the 2005–12 EU drugs strategy
This report was compiled as a supporting document for the evaluation of the 2005–12 EU drugs strategy and its two action plans: 2005–08 and 2009–12. It reviews the main trends and changes in the European drug situation and in the responses developed by the EU Member States. Four main areas are covered by the report: drug use and drug-related problems; drug supply; drug policies; and demand reduction interventions.
The war against people who use drugs: the costs
EHRN aims to assess whether national funding allocated for drug-related measures achieves the goals of slowing down or reversing drug epidemics and protecting society from drug-related harms. The report draws on country costs assessments done in Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Romania and Russia as well as analysis of data from other countries of the region, including Ukraine and Tajikistan.
Cause for Alarm: The Incarceration of Women for Drug Offences in Europe and Central Asia, and the need for Legislative and Sentencing Reform
Harm Reduction International is the first to calculate the total number of females in prisons on drug offences in Europe and Central Asia.
The EU Drugs Strategy - Twenty-Sixth Report
This report highlights what the EU's current eight-year Drugs Strategy has achieved, and what should come next. They welcome the practical application by the EU of the principle of subsidiarity in this area and agree with the witnesses that most aspects of drugs policies should remain within the competence of the Member States.
Efficacy of constitutional support to enhance access
This document reviews the current situation concerning access to medicines in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. Lamiaa M. Elsayed, examined the policies, constitutional provisions and other legal instruments of the Member States.
AHPPN April Newsletter 2012
African HIV in Prisons Partnership Network April Newsletter 2012
EU drugs strategy (2005-2012)
This new strategy builds on the final evaluation of the 2000–2004 EU drugs strategy and action plan on drugs (COM (2004) 707 final) and on Europol and EMCDDA contributions in this context (Snapshots 1999-2004 and thematic papers). The strategy aims to provide added value to national drug strategies in the EU while respecting the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality set out in the Treaties.
Drugnet Europe 77 (EMCDDA Newsletter Jan to March 2012)
In this issue: 2012 EMCDDA work programme; ECDC-EMCDDA HIV rapid risk assessment; Romania passes law to curb distribution of new psychoactive substances; European summer school on illicit drugs; multicity project on wastewater analysis; upcoming events on new psychoactive substances; and new EMCDDA products and services.
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In this interview, Kasia Malinowska-Sempruch discusses the negative impacts of the war on drugs, the role of current drug policies in fuelling the global HIV epidemic, and examples of successful drug policy reforms such as those introduced in Portugal and Switzerland
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