On this page you can find relevant researchs on drug-related health topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug and overdose prevention, harm reduction and drug treatment. You can also find our Clinical Guidelines.

Guidelines for the evaluation of drug prevention: a manual for programme planners and evaluators (second edition)
This edition is an updated version of the original EMCDDA guidelines, which contains new methods, concepts and examples of currently available drug prevention interventions and which provides a framework for carrying out an evaluation. The content has also been updated with developments in online EMCDDA drug prevention and evaluation resources.
Global Commission HIV and the Law: Risks, Rights & Health
Global Commission on HIV and the Law presents a coherent and compelling evidence based report on human rights and legal issues relating to HIV and how evidence and human rights based laws can end an epidemic of bad laws and transform the global AIDS response. .
WHO: Guidance on Prevention of Viral Hepatitis B and C Among People Who Inject Drugs
This guidance is the first step in the provision of comprehensive guidance on viral hepatitis surveillance, prevention and treatment by the World Health Organization.
Drugs policy is AIDS policy
The Canadian Drug Policy Coalition (CDPC) details their vision and insights on the drug situation in Canada, including articles by Professor David Nutt, author of “Drugs- Without the Hot Air”; Dan Gardner, author of “Future Babble”; Dan Werb, Co-Founder, International Centre for Science in Drug Policy, and more.
We Can End AIDS 2012 March
Thousands of activists marched for human rights & economic justice on Tuesday 24th July from the venue of the International AIDS Conference, to the White House
Torture in the Name of Treatment: Asia Drug Detention
Human Rights Watch summarize HRW’s findings over five years of research on compulsory drug “treatment” centers in China, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Lao PDR.
Modelling potential impact of expanding access to anti-retroviral therapy on the concentrated HIV epidemic in Viet Nam
Presentation from Reuben Grannich from HIV/TB in the HIV/AIDS Department of WHO at the AIDS 2012 conference.
Prevention and care towards vulnerable and stigmatized populations (MSM, drug users, sex workers)
Presentation from Joseph Larmarange from the Centre Population and Devleopment (CEPED) at the AIDS 2012 Conference.
The Global Commission on HIV and the Law: A Movement for HIV Law Reform
This session addresses the political dimensions of the Commission's recommendations as an essential ingredient for successfully using the law to scale-up effective HIV responses.
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