On this page you can find relevant researchs on drug-related health topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug and overdose prevention, harm reduction and drug treatment. You can also find our Clinical Guidelines.

Harm Reduction: Availability, Coverage, Expansion and Efficacy
Webcasts from the "Harm Reduction: Availability, Coverage, Expansion and Efficacy" oral abstracts sessions at the AIDS conference.
DRUG USE AMONG MEN WHO HAVE SEX WITH MEN - Implications for harm reduction
"The chapter begins with an overview of the range of drugs taken by MSM, followed by a description of prevalence across the world (where such data exist) and a discussion of data quality. It then assesses the reasons for drug use by MSM and the harms that may be associated with such use. The final section highlights interventions to help reduce the harms associated with drug use among MSM."
A Balancing Act: Policymaking on Illicit Drugs in the Czech Republic
This is the third study on good practices in national drug policy from Global Drug Policy Program. The document highlights how the Czech Republic has kept low-threshold health services high on the drug policy agenda, engaged with civil society, invested seriously in research on the impact of drug policy, and managed the shifting political winds of public attitudes toward drugs.
The Global State of Harm Reduction 2012; Towards an Intergrated Response report
This report highlights the major developments in harm reduction policy adoption and programme implementation that have occurred since 2010, enabling some assessment of global progress. It also explores several key issues for developing an integrated harm reduction response, such as building effective harm reduction services for women who inject drugs, access to harm reduction services by young people, drug use among men who have sex with men, global progress toward drug decriminalisation and sustainability of services in challenging environments.
Home Affairs Committee: Drugs
Danny Kushlink, Transform Drug Policy Foundation, Niamh Eastwood, Release, Tom Lloyd, former Chief Constable of Cambridgeshire Trevor Pearce, Director General, Serious and Organised Crime Agency give evidence to the Home Affairs Committee in relation to the inquiry into drugs.
Drugs Meter
Check out the new Drugs Meter, a new tool which allows people to get non-judgmental feedback on their drug use, including alcohol.
A Quiet Revolution: drug decriminalisation policies in practice across the globe
Rlease examines over 20 countries that have adopted some form of decriminalisation of drug possession, including some States that have only decriminalised cannabis possession. The main aim of the report is to look at the existing research to establish whether the adoption of a decriminalised policy led to significant increases in drug use - the simple answer is that it did not.
articulo federalizacion lucha drogas
The experience of Mexico with Federal law enforcement agencies from USA demonstrates that these forces are capable of increasing crime and violence instead of preventing it. This article attempts to call the attention of the Puerto Rican authorities to be cautious in their efforts to seek help to curtail drug related violence and gun smuggling when asking for help from the federal law enforcement agencies (Spanish).
Supply-side harm reduction strategies: Bolivia’s experiment with social control
This article supports recent analysis that indicates that such policies also hold relevance for producer countries by drawing on recent policy innovations in Bolivia. When Evo Morales, the president of the national coca grower confederation, was elected the country’s first indigenous president in 2005, he promised to fundamentally change 25 years of the U.S.-funded “drug war” that had generated repeated human rights violations. The new policy, which implicitly incorporates harm reduction principles combined with respect for human rights, recognizes coca leaf’s traditional use and cultural importance and relies on vigorous local organizations to implement a community-based programme called social control.
The War on Drugs and HIV/AIDS How the Criminalization of Drug Use Fuels the Global Pandemic
The report condemns the drug war as a failure and recommends immediate, major reforms of the global drug prohibition regime to halt the spread of HIV infection and other drug war harms.
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