On this page you will find the latest relevant updates on a broad range of health and policy related topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug use, overdose prevention, harm reduction, drug treatment and criminal justice.

E-discussion: Addressing challenges for meeting the MDGs and sustaining development gains
1 Mar 2014
In this forum, experts, practitioners and policy-makers from around the world discuss how to address the ongoing and emerging challenges for meeting the MDGs in 2015 and for sustaining development gains in the future, including the goal of combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases.
Norway to trial nasal spray antidote to heroin overdose
1 Mar 2014
Now, regulatory approval permitting, the Norwegian trials will offer the naloxone kit in Norway's two most populous cities, Oslo and Bergen, later this year.
WHO guidelines on the management of opioid overdose: Survey of the preferences of people affected by the guidelines
1 Mar 2014
The World Health Organization is developing guidelines on the management of overdoses due to drugs such as heroin and prescription opioids.
Vancouver installs first ever crack-pipe vending machines
1 Mar 2014
A Canadian NGO has installed crack pipe vending machines in the city of Vancouver in a bid to curb the spread of HIV and hepatitis among users.
Needle and syringe programs save lives and money: Infograph
1 Mar 2014
There are an estimated 16 million injecting drug users (IDUs) in the world - three million of them living with HIV/AIDS. Providing IDUs with clean needle and syringe saves lives.
Indian Parliament passes the amendments to the bill on narcotic drugs, 2014
28 Feb 2014
India is one of the leading producers of morphine, yet patients in the country could not access it owing to the stringent licensing requirements under the NDPS Act and Rules framed by State Governments. This will now change, bringing to an end the practice of obtaining multiple State licenses for possession, transport, purchase, sale, distribution, use and consumption.
Fighting an epidemic in Russia from 3,000 Miles away
27 Feb 2014
Russia is home to the world’s fastest-growing HIV epidemic. Driven by injection drug use, it is now becoming generalised.
Only just the beginning of the end of hepatitis C
27 Feb 2014
This The Lancet Editorial remind us that the hepatitis C virus (HCV). infection continues to be a major global health problem.
What Is harm reduction?
26 Feb 2014
Unlike approaches that insist that people stop using drugs, harm reduction acknowledges that many people are not able or willing to abstain from illicit drug use, and that abstinence should not be a precondition for help.
Canada’s drug policy is in with the wrong crowd
26 Feb 2014
Michel Kazatchkine states that it is being "almost shocking" to see Canada aligning itself to countries such as Russia and China in vocally opposing the inclusion of “harm reduction” ahead the special session in 2016.
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