On this page you will find the latest relevant updates on a broad range of health and policy related topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug use, overdose prevention, harm reduction, drug treatment and criminal justice.

Nurses help addicts inject heroin at controversial clinic battling HIV.
14 Apr 2014
British Columbia has successfully stemmed an epidemic of AIDS in one of the hardest to reach populations: intravenous drug addicts. Correspondent William Brangham's film examines the ways that medical professionals are taking on the spread of HIV.
Latest WHO guidelines for hepatitis C
10 Apr 2014
World Health Organization: Guidelines for the screening, care and treatment of persons with hepatitis C infection
Access to essential medicines for palliative care
9 Apr 2014
Katherine Pettus, representing IAHPC explains how the CND is changing its view of access to essential medicines for palliative care.
Lifesaving cops carry naloxone
8 Apr 2014
The Governor of Massachusetts recently declared a public health emergency over opioid overdoses.
Opioid access in Slovakia
8 Apr 2014
More than 60 people attended the most recent ATOME meeting, held in Bratislava, Slovakia, last month to discuss access to opioids for both palliative care and harm reduction.
The Lancet reports from Vienna.
2 Apr 2014
A high-level UN meeting on international drug policy came to a close last week with doctors lamenting the lack of progress on health issues.
Doctors demand change in policy
1 Apr 2014
Two doctors, with a senior researcher from Human Rights Watch, speak out on film.
Russian bear-faced lies
1 Apr 2014
Mr. Ivanov is a former KGB comrade of President Putin, and is considered one of his closest allies.
Surgery and harm reduction
28 Mar 2014
The vast majority of the billions of dollars allocated toward drug policy is directed toward the supply-side and law-enforcement sectors. Urgently needed is a radical re-allocation of resources towards tangible objectives of public health.
28 Mar 2014
Interferon- and ribavirin- free treatment using sofusbuvir, ledipasvir and a third direct acting drug for as little as six weeks can cure most previously untreated people with genotype 1 hepatitis C virus (HCV), including those with traditional predictors of poor response.
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