On this page you will find the latest relevant updates on a broad range of health and policy related topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug use, overdose prevention, harm reduction, drug treatment and criminal justice.

The Global Movement to Preserve Access to Ketamine and Raise Awareness of the Global Disparity in Access to Controlled Medicines
2 Jul 2016
For the past 3 years, the medical community has rallied to oppose attempts to place ketamine, a medicine that is indispensable for anesthesia and pain relief in many developing countries, under restrictive international controls.
Reflections on harm reduction policy and practice in South Africa
1 Jul 2016
Written by Andrew Scheibe, MBChB, MPH, Dip HIV Man, Cape Town, South Africa.
Surging heroin use threatens Kenya's HIV/AIDS gains
1 Jul 2016
Written by Neha Wadekar, M.S. in Journalism.
"End AIDS as a public threat by 2030"
1 Jul 2016
A new infographic from IDHDP
Carl Hart joins IDHDP Board
29 Jun 2016
IDHDP welcomes Dr Carl Hart as new board member.
If we care for people who use drugs we should be promoting e-cigarettes
29 Jun 2016
According to a recent RCP report e-cigarettes are at least 95% safer than smoking – yes 95%.
Before We Say ‘No More Drug War,’ We Need to Shout ‘Black Lives Matter’ and ‘Not One More’
27 Jun 2016
The majority of those arrested and prosecuted for drug violations are people of color even though they engage in drug use at similar levels as their white counterparts.
Mandatory treatment not effective at reducing drug use, violates human rights
25 Jun 2016
In an analysis recently published in BMJ, Boston Medical Center clinician researchers assessed current global evidence and found that mandatory treatment for people with substance use disorders is not effective in reducing their drug use.
Canada's opioid crisis: five areas the feds must lead
23 Jun 2016
Health Canada will speed the review of a more user-friendly anti-overdose drug, among other efforts to prevent opioid deaths.
UN pledges to end Aids epidemic but plan barely mentions those most at risk
19 Jun 2016
Summit criticized for excluding gay and transgender organizations. Activists walked out in protest after the resolution was adopted.
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