On this page you will find the latest relevant updates on a broad range of health and policy related topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug use, overdose prevention, harm reduction, drug treatment and criminal justice.

Stopping OAT when in US prisons increases suffering & death rates
19 May 2016
Methadone is a long-acting narcotic that can help people stay off heroin. But the physical symptoms of withdrawal from methadone can last longer than those from the drug it replaces.
Number of prison deaths linked to legal highs rises steeply
16 May 2016
There were 39 deaths in custody linked to use of legal highs between 2013 and 2015 compared with 19 in 2012-14
Missing Medicines
12 May 2016
It’s a scandal that millions of people die every year of killer diseases because it is not profitable to develop a treatment. If the Research and Development of medicines was based on global need, instead of profit, millions of lives could be saved.
The cost of dependency on prescription opioids: Opioid-Related Hospitalizations Up 72%, Totaling $15B In Health Care
7 May 2016
Heroin and opioid abuse rates have risen significantly in the past decade, researchers have now found that opioid-related hospitalizations and infections have also skyrocketed.
Inside the Secretive, Abusive World of Mexico's Private Drug Rehab Centers
3 May 2016
You can't see the house from the street. It is surrounded by a towering wall laced with barbed wire fencing, and it boasts a large, locked, metal door.
From Afghan Fields to an English Needle: Tracing Heroin's Journey Across the World
1 May 2016
In densely-populated Brent, one of the poorest boroughs in London, it's not difficult to find heroin. It might have fallen out of favour with the younger generation of drug users, for whom the 1990s was enough warning of the drug's many downsides, but a large number of addicts who started using in the 1970s and 1980s are still around.
Opioid dependence in the USA - it’s complicated
1 May 2016
Instead of blaming doctors and looking for easy solutions, society needs to start understanding and addressing the clear links between poverty, despair and dependency.
Cracking down on well known prescription opioids leads to people trying much more dangerous ones
28 Apr 2016
Crackdowns on prescriptions are sending addicts to find a fix in the street. But drugs there are more often being made with rapidly fatal doses of fentanyl.
Public statement by the Global Commission on Drug Policy on UNGASS 2016
25 Apr 2016
The Global Commission on Drug Policy is profoundly disappointed with the adopted outcome document agreed at the UN General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on "the world drug problem".
How Russia Became the New Global Leader in the War on Drugs
22 Apr 2016
This week diplomats at the United Nations in New York will adopt a document outlining the future of global drug policy, a text that may have been better in the eyes of many advocates if it weren't for one country: Russia.
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