On this page you will find the latest relevant updates on a broad range of health and policy related topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug use, overdose prevention, harm reduction, drug treatment and criminal justice.

What opioid hysteria leaves out: most overdoses involve a mix of drugs
16 Jun 2016
The rising opioid death rate is alarming, but it’s time they didn’t take sole blame for fatalities.
Russia's HIV epidemic dismissed as part of Western 'information war'
15 Jun 2016
Even as a UN conference began last week in NY, taking up the subject of ending AIDS, a Kremlin-backed research institute claimed the West is using HIV and AIDS as part of an "information war" against Russia.
Is Addiction a Learning Disorder?
14 Jun 2016
Maia Szalavitz drew on years of research, as well as her own battles with cocaine and heroin, in writing her new book, Unbroken Brain: A Revolutionary New Way of Understanding Addiction. Szalavitz, a 2015 Soros Justice Fellow, talks about her work and what’s wrong with drug policy today.
Sustainable development under threat from drug trafficking in West Africa
13 Jun 2016
Drug trafficking is fast becoming the most serious problem in West Africa. The sub- region has seen an increase in drug trafficking, production and consumption which continues to ruin many lives.
Susbstance dependency is harder to kick when you're poor. Here's why.
12 Jun 2016
Most substance dependencies end by the time users hit age 30 – unless they lack stable, middle-class jobs.
End AIDS by 2030? Not Without Harm Reduction
9 Jun 2016
Last year, world leaders adopted the Sustainable Development Goals, which include a bold global target to end AIDS by 2030.
People who use drugs do not lose their human rights
24 May 2016
To tackle the world drug problem, countries should shift from an approach primarily based on law enforcement to one that, first and foremost, focuses on the human rights of drug users.
Opioid dependency is a big problem, but prescribing analgesia to patients who need them are not the cause
23 May 2016
Regulatory efforts in US will fail unless they acknowledge that the problem is actually driven by illicit, not medical, drug use and cracking down on highly effective pain medications will make patients suffer for no good reason.
Anyone’s Child International
23 May 2016
Anyone's Child could be a casualty of the war on drugs.
Pioneering methadone programme gives hope to thousands in Dar es Salaam
21 May 2016
Widespread heroin use in an African country may seem unusual but what is even more surprising is the fact that two hospitals in Dar es Salaam now make methadone available as treatment for addiction.
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