On this page you will find the latest relevant updates on a broad range of health and policy related topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug use, overdose prevention, harm reduction, drug treatment and criminal justice.

Access to controlled medications included in key UN document
24 Mar 2016
The Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) has produced a draft outcome document recognising the importance of access to medicines as part of balanced global drug policy following the Commission’s 59th session in Vienna last week.
Rethink Drug Policy
23 Mar 2016
Health Poverty Action is calling for a new approach to drug policy, which puts people's health and rights first.
A Russian’s right to essential medicines goes before the Court
22 Mar 2016
What could be a landmark case for people who use drugs in Russia and in many other countries.
Campaign Support
10 Mar 2016
Leading organizations specializing in pain and palliative care, many who have been working tirelessly on this for many years, are coming together to support this campaign."IAHPC works on expanding the policy space available to countries and communities to improve access to controlled medicines for the relief of pain and suffering. We welcome the IDHDP Campaign to bring attention to this issue."
Fear and Confusion
10 Mar 2016
It is largely the international drug control system, in trying to stop the misuse of drugs like heroin, which is preventing access to medicines like morphine, for the treatment of pain.
Why The War on Drugs Is a Huge Failure
10 Mar 2016
The war against drugs has been a terrible disaster for everybody involved. Why? And can we do something differently?
Not just a party drug: no ketamine means no surgery in some developing countries
9 Mar 2016
China’s desire to tighten controls on the drug threatens surgery in many developing countries where it’s the only affordable option for anaesthesia.
In Georgia, Living Proof That Harsh Punishments Don’t Stop Drug Use
29 Feb 2016
In the Republic of Georgia, there is one crime that is punishable with more prison time than rape or even murder: possession of more than one gram of heroin, regardless of intent.
Briefing on the preparations for the Special Session on the World Drug Problem (UNGASS)
28 Feb 2016
Informal meeting of the plenary to brief the Member States on the preparations for the Special Session of the General Assembly on the World Drug Problem.
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