Home / Resources / News Latest News On this page you will find the latest relevant updates on a broad range of health and policy related topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug use, overdose prevention, harm reduction, drug treatment and criminal justice. First«...3334353637...»Last Heroin antidote 'saving countless lives' of drug users 4 Sep 2016 A heroin antidote that reduces drug-related deaths has been used in more than 1,065 overdose events in the past seven years, a report found. Drug deaths in England and Wales reach record levels 4 Sep 2016 More than 3,300 people died from drug poisoning in 2014 in England and Wales, the highest figure since modern records began in 1993, the Office for National Statistics says. Legal minds demand new ‘drugs policy respectful of human rights’ 3 Sep 2016 30th anniversary of landmark ruling marked by push for human-rights based approach on the matter. Pioneering methadone programme in Dar es Salaam gives hope to thousands 3 Sep 2016 In recent years, Dar es Salaam has seen an increase in illicit drug use, particularly heroin, as the large port city has become a pit stop for smugglers en route from Afghanistan to Europe and the rest of Africa. Preventing avoidable deaths: what steps to take to mitigate opioid overdose? 31 Aug 2016 Today is International Overdose Awareness Day. On this occasion, please read this article about how to prevent opioid overdoses, written by APDES, Portugal. Rethinking drug policy to contribute to peace 30 Aug 2016 To date, drug trafficking has been largely met with law enforcement and hard security responses, yielding limited if not counterproductive results. Prescription opioids - an epidemic of poor policies 24 Aug 2016 The opioid overdose problem in the USA requires a considered response When the War on Drugs Undermines the War on AIDS 24 Aug 2016 Last year the HIV rate in a single Indiana county was higher than that in any country in sub-Saharan Africa. Would adopting an Australian-style harm-reduction strategy change that? Two Ships Passing in the Night 10 Aug 2016 The human rights implications of drug policy and drug use are many and varied. Hungry and in Pain 8 Aug 2016 Just carrying morphine is not enough when people are hungry and in pain. First«...3334353637...»Last Share this on: