When the War on Drugs Undermines the War on AIDS
Last year the HIV rate in a single Indiana county was higher than that in any country in sub-Saharan Africa. Would adopting an Australian-style harm-reduction strategy change that?
24 Aug 2016Last year the HIV rate in a single Indiana county was higher than that in any country in sub-Saharan Africa. Would adopting an Australian-style harm-reduction strategy change that?
As defined by the Harm Reduction Coalition, harm reduction is “a set of practical strategies and ideas aimed at reducing negative consequences associated with drug use. Harm reduction is also a movement for social justice built on a belief in, and respect for, the rights of people who use drugs.”
Perhaps the most contentious aspect of reducing the harm associated with drug use is the ongoing availability of needle and syringe exchange programs. These programs help ensure that clean, fresh injecting equipment is available at low to no cost for injected-drug users. The sharing or reusing of injecting equipment is one of the driving forces behind new HIV infections in many parts of the world, including the United States.
As defined by the Harm Reduction Coalition, harm reduction is “a set of practical strategies and ideas aimed at reducing negative consequences associated with drug use. Harm reduction is also a movement for social justice built on a belief in, and respect for, the rights of people who use drugs.”
Perhaps the most contentious aspect of reducing the harm associated with drug use is the ongoing availability of needle and syringe exchange programs. These programs help ensure that clean, fresh injecting equipment is available at low to no cost for injected-drug users. The sharing or reusing of injecting equipment is one of the driving forces behind new HIV infections in many parts of the world, including the United States.
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