On this page you will find the latest relevant updates on a broad range of health and policy related topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug use, overdose prevention, harm reduction, drug treatment and criminal justice.

Opioid-linked deaths dip as ODs rise
25 Sep 2016
Opioid-related deaths are down this year in Boston despite an uptick in overall overdoses, and Narcan use has spiked by more than 25 percent, city officials say.
Not waiting for government, activists offer unsanctioned services for drug users in the Downtown Eastside
25 Sep 2016
On Sept 21 at city hall, Vancouver’s top doctor spoke before council with an update on the government’s response to an overdose-drug epidemic that has killed hundreds of people.
Canada has just approved prescription heroin
19 Sep 2016
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's government has taken a less draconian approach to fighting heroin addiction than the previous government did.
Best practices: How other countries dealt with drug problems
17 Sep 2016
Portugal and Switzerland are two countries with a high rate of illegal drugs use in the 1980s and the 1990s. How did they manage to turn things around?
How three drug users took on the might of the Russian state
16 Sep 2016
Substitution therapy for addicts is banned in Russia. Three activists are hoping to gain access to the treatment through the European court of human rights.
New research supports hep C treatment for people who use drugs
13 Sep 2016
Global health experts are today are calling for the removal of restrictions preventing people who use drugs from accessing new hepatitis C cures.
Fallen Angels – Mahesh’s Story
12 Sep 2016
This is a story about the unforgivable failure on the part of the healthcare system to address a boy’s pain in the absence of curative treatment options.
Ketamine should be kept off worldwide illegal drugs list, doctors say
6 Sep 2016
The powerful tranquiliser ketamine should be kept off a worldwide illegal drugs list despite it being abused by clubbers, doctors are arguing.
Remembering Dead Friends on Overdose Awareness Day
5 Sep 2016
A piece written by Soma Navidson on the run up to International Overdose Awareness Day.
Pain, palliative care and compassion
4 Sep 2016
Unduly restrictive regulations limit access to pain relief and palliative care for people and families in need.
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