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Health evidence network synthesis report 47
Public health aspects of mental health among migrants and refugees: a review of the evidence on mental health care for refugees, asylum seekers and irregular migrants in the WHO European Region.
Drugnet Europe 96 Oct - Dec 2016
New ESPAD survey findings released.
A Selective Literature Review: Immigration, Acculturation & Substance Abuse
This report will focus on what is known about the impact of immigration and acculturation on substance abuse and addiction among immigrants, especially immigrant youth.
What are the substance abuse rates among immigrants?
Reliable figures regarding substance abuse rates among recent immigrants are difficult to obtain. Since these rates are compiled using self-reported data, results can often represent an underestimation of the real figures. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) is one source that provides prevalence and patterns of substance abuse among a large sample of US immigrant adults. As shown in the table, the findings from the 1999-2001 NSDUH show that past year and past month usage rates of alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drug use were lower among foreign-born than among US-born adults.
Overview of harm reduction in prisons in seven European countries
This article provides a brief overview of harm reduction in prisons in Catalonia (Spain), Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Poland, and Portugal.
Death penalty and the victims
This book gives voice to a wide array of perspectives, including family members of crime victims, the wrongfully convicted and children of persons condemned to death, as well as judges, lawyers, prisoner staff and others whose job it is to oversee executions.
Risk of fentanyl overdose among clients of the Sydney Medically Supervised Injecting Centre
The emergence of the drug at the Sydney MSIC warranted a retrospective clinical audit to assess the risk of fentanyl overdose in comparison with other opioids, in the context of a drug consumption room.
Drug Consumption Rooms - Summary report of the Independent Working Group
A detailed examination of whether Drug Consumption Rooms (DCRs) should be introduced in the UK.
How not to treat opioid addicts: Dangerous, restrictive treatment in Norway
Written by Martin Haraldsen, a former GP in Sandefjord (Norway.) He presents a case: a Norwegian married couple now in their fifties, to illustrate a typical hyper-restrictive Nordic model for opioid substitution treatment (OST) in Sweden and Norway.
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