On this page you can find relevant researchs on drug-related health topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug and overdose prevention, harm reduction and drug treatment. You can also find our Clinical Guidelines.

Advancing drug policy reform: A new approach to decriminalization
Building on current partial decriminalization models that have helped to achieve more effective drug policies and positive outcomes, with a greater emphasis on justice, dignity and human rights, this report advocates ending all penalties on people who use drugs.
Rapid response to editorial: The war on drugs has failed: doctors should lead calls for drug policy reform
The war on drugs has failed and doctors should lead calls for drug policy reform say BMJ editor in chief, Fiona Godlee and features and debates editor, Richard Hurley.
People who inject drugs: HIV and viral hepatitis monitoring
Data tables and commentary for the unlinked anonymous monitoring surveys of infections and risk among people who inject drugs (PWID).
Facing addiction in America
The Surgeon General’s report on alcohol, drugs, and health.
The politics of evidence-based policymaking
In his book, The Politics of Evidence-Based Policymaking, Paul Cairney identifies practical consequences for actors trying to maximize the uptake of scientific evidence within government. His conclusion has profound implications for the role of science and scientific experts in policymaking.
Regional drugs response reflects global policies
The Caribbean has been a major cocaine trafficking route for the last 50 years originating from outside the region, and many of its countries are now experiencing a problematic rise in the use of crack-cocaine. Furthermore, the region produces cannabis for domestic consumption.
Listening & responding to the needs of military veterans with complex needs
Kevin Molloy steps in at the last minute, to replace Dave Marsden to talk about listening & responding to the needs of military veterans with complex needs. This was recorded at the City Health Conference 2016.
Combat Stress - A case study
Written by Kevin Molloy of the Veterans’ Substance Misuse Case Management Service.
The war on drugs has failed: doctors should lead calls for drug policy reform
Evidence and ethics should inform policies that promote health and respect dignity
British Medical Journal calls for legalisation of drugs
The BMJ said some countries have already removed criminal penalties for personal drug possession.
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