On this page you can find relevant researchs on drug-related health topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug and overdose prevention, harm reduction and drug treatment. You can also find our Clinical Guidelines.

Interactive Map: International Drug Policy Developments of 2016
2016 has been a momentous year for international drug policy.
Dr Steve Brinksman calls for kindness and compassion in palliative care.
Dr Steve Brinksman calls for kindness and compassion in palliative care and says the way that we deal with end of life scenarios for the people who use drugs and alcohol defines how caring we are as a treatment system and a society – and yet this remains an area that commissioned services rarely address. Perhaps it’s time that they did.
A complicated future: West african drug policy reform
Official statement of the West Africa Commission on Drugs (WACD)
What drug policy can learn from climate change – or not?
The year 2016 was the hottest year on record since the industrial revolution overtaking 2015 - which is now the second hottest. However, even with evidence like this an anti-science agenda exists to a level where the incoming President of the most powerful country in the world says climate change does not exist and threatens to pull the USA out of the Paris agreement signed recently by every country in the world. Is there a parallel with drug policy? Policies based on science, which have led to huge reductions both in drug related deaths and the transmission of HIV being eroded at an alarming rate.
Diversion & illicit supply of medicines
ACMD’s report on diversion and illicit supply of medicines.
Global health sector strategy on viral hepatitis 2016–2021
Viral hepatitis is an international public health challenge, comparable to other major communicable diseases, including HIV. Despite the burden it places on communities across all global regions, hepatitis has been largely ignored as a health and development priority until recently.
A call for Human Rights' oriented drug policy: what would YOU change?
On International Day for Human Rights, NGO "Diogenis Drug Policy Dialogue", released this special video.
Compulsory drug detention centres: time to question their continued use?
In the Lancet Global Health, Martin Wegman and colleagues present their study of opioid use in opioid dependent individuals released from compulsory drug detention centres compared with those from voluntary methadone treatment centres in Malaysia.
Medicines supplementing use of other illicit drugs, says ACMD
Report finds prescription-only medicines are being used to supplement the use of other illicit drugs, including cocaine and heroin.
ACMD tells ministers drug-related deaths will continue to rise if treatment programmes are not maintained
Maintaining the capacity and quality of drug treatment is essential to prevent further increases in opioid-related deaths, government drug advisers have told the Home Secretary on the 12 December 2016. Over the last 4 years, the number of reported drug misuse deaths involving opioids (including heroin) rose by 58% in England, 23% in Wales and 21% in Scotland. This report investigates the causes of the increase and potential responses.
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