On this page you can find relevant researchs on drug-related health topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug and overdose prevention, harm reduction and drug treatment. You can also find our Clinical Guidelines.

What should we expect of drug treatment?
Reviewing the evidence on drug use treatment.
The war on drugs has failed. Now what?
A BMJ editor shares five key readings to understand drug policy and the urgent need for reform.
Access to controlled drugs for the treatment of dependence in Germany
Dr. med. Albrecht Ulmer tells us the situation of Opioid Agonist Therapy (“OAT”) formerly known as Opioid Substitution Treatment (“OST”) in Germany.
Viewing addiction as a brain disease promotes social injustice
The view of drug use and drug addiction as a brain disease serves to perpetuate unrealistic, costly, and discriminatory drug policies, argues Carl L. Hart.
Child maltreatment and cannabis use in young adulthood: a birth cohort study
Aims to investigate whether child maltreatment is associated with life-time cannabis use, early-onset cannabis use,daily cannabis use and DSM-IV cannabis abuse in young adulthood.
Towards ‘‘evidence-making intervention’’ approaches in the social science of implementation science: The making of methadone in East Africa
In this commentary, the authors take the recent introduction of methadone treatment in response to emerging problems of HIV linked to heroin addiction in Kenya as a case for reflecting on the social science of implementation science.
Black Sheep
An investigation into existing support for problematic cannabis use.
Nonmedical use of prescription drugs among young people: A growing global concern
Middle East data indicate nonmedical use of prescription drugs warrants particular attention.
Highways and buyways: A snapshot of UK drug scene
Headline goals for Psychoactive Substances Act achieved but new forms of SCRA street dealing and distribution putting vulnerable groups at risk as rough sleeping numbers increase.
Drugs, alcohol, and suicide represent growing share of U.S. mortality
Americans are killing themselves at an alarming rate. Nationwide, the mortality rate, from drug poisoning, alcohol poisoning, and suicide increased by 52 percent between 2000 and 2014.
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