On this page you can find relevant researchs on drug-related health topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug and overdose prevention, harm reduction and drug treatment. You can also find our Clinical Guidelines.

Doctors, their leaders, and the drug policy debate
Despite the odd shout and whisper for reform, most doctors’ professional organisations have little to say about policies such as the criminalisation of people who use drugs.
Refugees from Syria, Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan already traumatised by war, violence and upheaval now seeking treatment for substance dependence
Remarks from a German Drug Treatment Clinic – and lots of questions. Dr Hans-Guenter Meyer Thompson. Assistant Doctor, Asklepios Hamburg Ochsenzoll, Dept. of Psychiatry and Mental Health - Dept. of Addictive Diseases and OST - clinic Altona
How changes to drug prohibition could be good for the UK—an essay by Molly Meacher and Nick Clegg
Parliamentarians Molly Meacher and Nick Clegg discuss regulation for cannabis, heroin, and so called legal highs and call for an end to criminal sanctions for the possession and use of all drugs
Elimination of viral hepatitis by 2030: What's needed and how do we get there?
European Centre for Disease prevention and Control (ECDC) comment on the adoption of regional hepatitis action plan by WHO Regional Committee.
Summary VI Latin American and I Caribbean Conference on Drug Policy
UNODC: “We advocate for the abolition of punitive approaches, and we seek actions rooted in the right to health and human rights”
When one-size might not fit all: Evidence-based treatment among programs servicing Native American treatment seekers
To what extent are substance use disorder treatment programs serving Native Americans using and approving of psychosocial evidence-based treatments?
New triple DAA combo cures 96-99% of people with all genotypes of hepatitis C
A new three-drug regimen of sofosbuvir, ledipasvir and voxilaprevir, taken without ribavirin for 8 weeks, produced sustained virological response in 96% of previously untreated people with all hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotypes, while a 12-week course cured 99% of treatment-experienced people, researchers reported at the recent IDWeek meeting in New Orleans.
It has been more than 30 years since the first HIV diagnosis in Australia. From the early days, monitoring of HIV has provided vital information to inform the public health response and has underpinned many successful prevention strategies. HIV surveillance helps us to know what is working well and where we need to do better.
The Drug War Across Borders: US Drug Policy and Latin America
The war on drugs is fought on two fronts: at home and abroad. On the domestic front, policymakers attempt to reduce American drug use through the criminal justice system by coercing and punishing people who use or sell drugs.
Why Is the Administration Sending Refugees Back to Narco War Nightmare US Helped Create?
With the New Year, the Obama administration has unleashed a new campaign of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids targeting Central American women and children who fled to the US in 2014 to escape violence in their home countries. Some 17,000 are at immediate risk of being dragged from their homes and families and being detained and deported.
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