On this page you will find the latest relevant updates on a broad range of health and policy related topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug use, overdose prevention, harm reduction, drug treatment and criminal justice.

Morphine is medicine: The language barrier to opioid availability in more than 83% of the world
28 Nov 2014
People in English speaking countries use the word "drugs" to describe medicines, but when it comes to opioid medicines to control pain, this produces stigma, fear, and moral panic, restricting legitimate access for pain relief in more than 140 countries of the world.
Canada starts prescribing heroin to people dependent on drugs
27 Nov 2014
Doctors in Vancouver have become the first medics in North America to administer prescription heroin to drug dependents. The treatment will only be given to a group of patients who failed to respond to traditional therapies.
More than 130 physicians sign a letter in Chile to regulate medical cannabis
27 Nov 2014
In addition, all deputies in the country agree to legislate marijuana use and self-cultivation in Chile for medical purposes.
Fatal attraction: Brownfield's flexibility doctrine and global drug policy reform
26 Nov 2014
This article points out that although new 'four pillars' approach has received some positive responses, its attractiveness is superficial and there are important reasons to be cautious.
The road to the United Nations General Assembly’s special session on the World Drug Problem 2016 (UNGASS 2016) - Panel Discussion
26 Nov 2014
This discussion counted with the participation of representatives or several UN agencies such as UNDP and UNAIDS, the UN University, country officials and civil society representatives.
Fast-Track - Ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030
26 Nov 2014
The world is embarking on a Fast-Track strategy to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030 – we have 5 years to break the epidemic or we risk the epidemic springing back even stronger.
Infographic: Romania’s second plague - Tuberculosis
17 Nov 2014
A reduction in funding support for needle and syringe exchange programs, together with a major increase in the use of new psychoactive substances in Romania, has resulted in a massive increase in HIV and tuberculosis cases among people who inject drugs.
Global patient survey on the impact of hepatitis C
17 Nov 2014
HCV Quest is a global patient survey, investigating the impacts hepatitis C can have on patients’ personal and social life as well as education and work and examining patients’ experience of care.
Questionnaire on human rights of women living with HIV in the Americas
17 Nov 2014
The Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM) of the OAS is requesting civil society participation on to provide data on the human rights of women living with HIV in the Americas.
Molecular profiling of Ketamine's rapid antidepressant effect
14 Nov 2014
Ketamine, a drug that has been applied as an anesthetic for many years, has recently been shown to have rapid antidepressant activities.
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