The world is embarking on a Fast-Track strategy to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030 – we have 5 years to break the epidemic or we risk the epidemic springing back even stronger.

26 Nov 2014

To reach this visionary goal after three decades of the most serious epidemic in living memory, countries will need to use the powerful tools available, hold one another accountable for results and make sure that no one is left behind.

Fast-Track Targets by 2020

  1. Treatment 90-90-90: 90% of people living with HIV knowing their status, 90% of people who know their status receiving treatment, 90% of people on HIV treatment having a suppressed viral load so their immune system remains strong and they are no longer infectious
  2. New infections among adults 500,000. Without scale-up, the AIDS epidemic will continue to outrun the response, increasing the long-term need for HIV treatment and increasing future costs
  3. Discrimination ZERO.

Fast-Track Targets by 2030

  1. Treatment 95-95-95
  2. New infections among adults ZERO which will mean 28 million HIV infections averted and 21 million AIDS-related deaths averted
  3. Discrimination ZERO

We can end the AIDS epidemic by 2013

There is a strong global consensus that the tools now exist to end the AIDS epidemic. This confidence is based on a combination of major scientific breakthroughs and accumulated lessons learned over more than a decade of scaling up the AIDS response worldwide. The achievement of targets built on these tools now needs to be fast-tracked.

HIV treatment can dramatically extend the lifespan of people living with HIV and effectively prevent HIV transmission. There are also many proven opportunities for HIV prevention beyond medicines, including condom programming, behaviour change, voluntary medical male circumcision and programmes with key populations. These have clearly demonstrated their capacity to sharply lower rates of new HIV infections. HIV programmes are dramatically strengthened when they are combined with social and structural approaches. HIV infections may not disappear in the foreseeable future, but the AIDS epidemic can be ended as a global health threat. To achieve this by 2030, the number of new HIV infections and AIDS-related deaths will need to decline by 90% compared to 2010.

If the world is to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030, rapid progress must be made by 2020. Quickening the pace for essential HIV prevention and treatment approaches will limit the epidemic to more manageable levels and enable countries to move towards the elimination phase. In people who use drugs work needs to be increased particularly in Asia and the Pacific, Eastern Europe and Central Asia and Latin America and Caribbean. If the response is too slow, the AIDS epidemic will continue to grow, with a heavy human and financial toll of increasing demand for antiretroviral therapy and expanding costs for HIV prevention and treatment.

Read here the full report.

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