On this page you will find the latest relevant updates on a broad range of health and policy related topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug use, overdose prevention, harm reduction, drug treatment and criminal justice.

Latin American members speak at Rio conference and urge colleagues to join IDHDP
3 Dec 2014
A number of Brazilian speakers, including doctors and other health professionals, expressed deep concern about the escalating violence resulting from current policies.
New York attorney general critical of Naloxone´s cost
3 Dec 2014
A generic version of naloxone has steeply increased in price in recent weeks.
Will a new funding strategy leave behind HIV’s most vulnerable?
3 Dec 2014
The dynamics of HIV are changing, and our approach to financing the response must change with it. It’s important that we reflect and make adjustments in real time if our funding strategies aren’t keeping up.
World Aids Day: Where did it come from?
1 Dec 2014
This video explains how the AIDS epidemic expanded in the last few decades and how the epidemic is being controlled, despite the prevalence of a huge gap in treatment access.
World Aids Day 2014: Campaigners say world has reached 'beginning of end' of Aids pandemic
1 Dec 2014
HIV is increasingly concentrated among hard-to-reach populations such as injecting drug users, gay men and sex workers - who are often stigmatised and have trouble accessing treatment and prevention services.
Gaps in HIV prevention expose Europe to risk of outbreaks
1 Dec 2014
The long-term decline in HIV diagnoses related to drug injecting could change as it did when HIV spread rapidly among injecting drug users in Greece and Romania in 2011 and 2012.
Statement of the UNODC Executive Director, Yury Fedotov, on World AIDS Day
1 Dec 2014
Laws and policies need to be reviewed to ensure drug users and prisoners have access to the necessary services, including harm reduction.
Global Naloxone Accessibility Survey
1 Dec 2014
Thousands of people die unnecessarily from opioid overdose every year. From this survey IDHDP hopes to understand more about where the life saving drug naloxone is and isn’t available as well as its level of accessibility.
Russia is losing the battle against HIV
30 Nov 2014
In the past decade, the number of HIV-infected people in Russia has increased from about 100,000 to more than 1 million.
Drugs, alcohol, and the First World War
28 Nov 2014
This article published at The Lancet shows how the decision at the Hague (1912) that opium, morphine, and cocaine and their use should be confined to “legitimate medical purposes” would be central to future international drug control.
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