On this page you will find the latest relevant updates on a broad range of health and policy related topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug use, overdose prevention, harm reduction, drug treatment and criminal justice.

“Another unintended consequence?”
29 Oct 2015
The new report: ‘The negative impact of drug control on public health: The global crisis of avoidable pain’ has been published.
Drug deaths in Wales fall by 30%
23 Oct 2015
The number of drug-related deaths in Wales has fallen by 30% over the last five years, the Deputy Health Minister Vaughan Gething today confirmed.
Ice use increases by six per cent among people who inject drugs (PWID) but remains stable among ecstasy users
22 Oct 2015
Crystal methamphetamine use among PWID increased by a further six per cent in 2015. But use of it, has remained stable among regular psychostimulant users.
Treating 5 percent of hepatitis C patients with new drugs would reduce cost and infections, study shows
12 Oct 2015
Treating 5 percent of all hepatitis C patients with the latest drugs would be more effective at reducing infections and health costs than the current approach.
Alarming number of countries flout international law by executing for drug-related crimes
12 Oct 2015
The death penalty continues to be used as a tool in the so-called “war on drugs”, with an alarming number of states across the globe executing people convicted on drug-related charges.
IDHDP Members present at ISAM Dundee 2015
10 Oct 2015
IDHDP members Thomas Clausen, Sharon Stancliff, John Roche and Clinical Director, Chris Ford bring drug policy to the International Society of Addiction Medicine Congress, Dundee 2015.
Facing Double-Stigma, Roma and Traveler Communities Excluded from Drug Treatment Services
8 Oct 2015
Dealing with the double stigma of racially-fuelled exclusion from local services and problematic drug use, Britain’s Gypsy and Traveler communities are among the most marginalized groups when it comes to addressing substance misuse.
Opioid misuse continues to dominate for treatment use, spread of disease and drug-related deaths
6 Oct 2015
The EMCDDA have produced an annual report of the latest data available on drug demand and drug supply in all 28 EU Member States plus Norway and Turkey.
Palliative care must be prioritised to fully meet sustainable development goals
2 Oct 2015
As World leaders adopt the new sustainable development agenda, the WHPCA calls for hospice and palliative care organisations to ensure that palliative care is not left behind.
Sustainable Development Goals
1 Oct 2015
The United Nations’ new Sustainable Development Goals represent the most comprehensive vision for the future of the planet yet conceived.
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