On this page you will find the latest relevant updates on a broad range of health and policy related topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug use, overdose prevention, harm reduction, drug treatment and criminal justice.

UN: Swedish drug rules violate human rights
20 Nov 2015
Sweden's drug policies have come in for harsh criticism from the UN.
“You can’t force people to quit using drugs”: The surging debate over whether you can make heroin addicts go clean
19 Nov 2015
Forced treatment is being proposed as a solution to the opioid crisis. But there are some very real dangers.
Malaysia: Halting HIV and drug use with compassion
18 Nov 2015
Innovative harm-reduction scheme has dramatically reduced infection rates, but donors are suffering HIV 'fatigue'.
Children and drug policy
16 Nov 2015
Increase in the number of pediatricians and obstetricians joining IDHDP
Drug death risk up for injectors after hospital discharge
12 Nov 2015
Addicts with a history of drug injecting are at significant risk of a fatal overdose in the four weeks after being released from hospital, a study has shown.
Canadian Forces ignored advice to set up drug, alcohol treatment
9 Nov 2015
The Canadian Forces rejected an internal recommendation to expand its addictions program to better help military members struggling with substance abuse.
Are we starting to see an end to the brutal War on Drugs?
8 Nov 2015
Public and political opinion regarding the so-called “War on Drugs” is shifting on a global scale.
FDA Gives Fast Track Designation to Insys Therapeutics Sublingual Naloxone Spray
5 Nov 2015
A new formulation of Naloxone has received FDA 'Fast Track' designation for the treatment of opioid overdose.​
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