On this page you will find the latest relevant updates on a broad range of health and policy related topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug use, overdose prevention, harm reduction, drug treatment and criminal justice.

The need for solidarity with patients in extreme pain
16 Dec 2015
Access to palliative care as part of healthcare is a human right. On Patient Solidarity Day, Lyudmila, a retired kindergarten teacher in Armenia, described to Human Rights Watch the pain from her inoperable breast cancer.
The war on drugs is a war against our own children, friends and families
14 Dec 2015
Our current drug laws largely penalise the young and poor, not the drug kingpins you'd expect, says Gino Vumbaca, co-founder of Harm Reduction Australia.
Harm Reduction The Key To Drugs Policy
12 Dec 2015
Written by Tony Trimingham, Vice President and Co-Founder of Harm Reduction Australia and CEO of Family Drug Support.
Health-e: South Africa’s 'other' virus
10 Dec 2015
No one knows how many South Africans are living with Hepatitis C, but the virus affects everyone from injecting drug users to suburban housewives.
Where Do Poles Inject? - The “Room for Change” Campaign in Poland
5 Dec 2015
Public discussion of harm reduction in Poland, especially the country's attitude to injecting drug users, is stuck in the 1990s. Read what needs to be done, in terms of the realities described by Polish drug policy experts, to save lives and lower the costs of treating users.
DYING A SLOW DEATH: Inside Indonesia's Drug War - A new movie by PKNI and Drugreporter
2 Dec 2015
PKNI and Drugreporter launch their new documentary film in 4 cities across Indonesia ahead of World AIDS Day 2015.
World AIDS Day 2015: Getting to zero
1 Dec 2015
On this years world AIDS day, WHO emphasizes that expanding antiretroviral therapy to all people living with HIV is key to ending the AIDS epidemic in a generation.
Everything We Think We Know About Addiction Is Wrong
30 Nov 2015
What causes addiction? Easy, right? Drugs cause addiction. But maybe it is not that simple.
The Drug Law Wars – a story that began in Canberra
26 Nov 2015
After close to half a century of pumping billions into drug law enforcement the realisation is dawning that the global war on drugs was doomed to fail.
'War on drugs means millions are needlessly dying in pain'
23 Nov 2015
Millions of people are dying in pain because of the repressive stance the world has taken on drugs.
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