SMMGP Clinical Update October to November 2012
Substance Misuse Management in General Practice’s up to date resource on current clinical practice.
Shooting up: Infections among people who inject drugs in the UK 2011
This report describes time trends on the extent of infections among PWID in the UK to the end of 2011.
Harm Reduction is a requirement of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
In recent years it has become increasingly clear that international human rights monitors and mechanisms view harm reduction services as components of the right to the highest attainable standard of health for people who use drugs.
IDHDP Newsletter - October 2012
This issue highlights HCV discussion, upcoming conferences, new publications, and more.
Drug law reform when bad policy is good politics
Commentary by Alex Wodak published in the Lancet, “The need for reform of drug laws is now growing in many countries, but change is slow because bad policy is still good politics. Thus, many political systems are unable to move forward with reform of drug laws, and change seems most likely to happen through pressure from civil society.”
IDHDP slide for members
This presentation slide is for IDHDP members to use at conferences if they wish to introduce IDHDP to fellow doctors.
IDHDP flyer and membership form
This flyer is for IDHDP members to distribute at events to promote the aims of IDHDP.
Effect of hepatitis C virus status on liver enzymes in opioid-dependent pregnant women maintained on opioid-agonist medication
This study examines hepatic enzyme test results throughout the course of pregnancy in women maintained on methadone or buprenorphine.
Tackling the problem of hepatitis C, substance misuse and health inequalities: a consensus for London
This document by The London Joint Working Group for Substance Misuse and Hepatitis C, “represents a call to action from experts in the fields of addiction and hepatitis in London. It provides a framework with which to address the epidemiological, clinical and financial challenges presented by current rates of hepatitis C among people who have injected drugs, and sets out solutions in the form of a blueprint for local commissioners”
HIV among people who inject drugs in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia: a systematic review with implications for policy
This paper provides, “A systematic review to identify and synthesise prevalence estimates and risk factors for HIV among people who inject drugs (PWID) in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia.”
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