Assessment of Medication Assisted Therapy Program in Kazakhstan
The purpose of this assessment was to collect information on the scale and quality of the existing MAT services for people who inject drugs (PWID) in Kazakhstan, and to identify any gaps in such services.
Scholarships for 2013 Dutch Summer Institute on Alcohol, Drugs and Addiction
Students from 62 low- and middle-income countries may apply for full scholarships (including living expenses) to the Dutch Summer Institute on Alcohol, Drugs and Addiction. The Summer Institute is a 2-week, intensive multidisciplinary program that offers graduate-level and continuing professional development training in addiction, while also promoting opportunities for international networking. Application deadline 1 October 2012.
In recognition of International Overdose Awareness Day
IDHDP supports the efforts in communities around the globe to prevent drug overdose fatalities and calls for greater governmental and international policymaker leadership.
Methadone replacement therapy: tried, tested, effective?
Two Scottish doctors debate, the efficacy of methadone maintenance (under attack in the Scottish media). IDHDP member, Dr Roy Robertson, makes the case that methadone has been well tested, is cheap and acceptable to the patient and results in visible improvement. Dr Daniels argues that methadone treatment is philosophically ill-conceived, ethically dubious, and costly. He also highlights evidence that the treatment is potentially harmful to both patients and those in contact with them.
PEPFAR’s Evolving HIV Prevention Approaches for Key Populations—People Who Inject Drugs, Men Who Have Sex With Men, and Sex Workers: Progress, Challenges, and Opportunities
"To expand country planning of programs to further reduce HIV burden and increase coverage among key populations (KPs), PEPFAR has developed a strategy consisting of technical documents on the prevention of HIV among people who inject drugs (July 2010) and prevention of HIV among men who have sex with men (May 2011), linked with regional meetings and assistance visits to guide the adoption and scale-up of comprehensive packages of evidence-based prevention services for KPs."
Persistent cannabis users show neuropsychological decline from childhood to midlife
This study investigates the association between persistent cannabis use and neuropsychological functioning. They used a birth cohort of 1,037 individuals from Dunedin, New Zealand, who were born in 1972/3.
IDHDP statement of support: “The War on Drugs and HIV/AIDS, How the Criminalization of Drug Use Fuels the Global Pandemic”
IDHDP joins the distinguished Global Commission on Drug Policy in condemning the drug war as a failure and a major factor sustaining the global HIV/AIDS epidemic. We support their call for immediate, major reforms of the global drug prohibition regime to correct the policy distortions that favor criminal justice over public health evidence-based addiction treatments such as methadone and burprenorphine maintenance, and proven public health interventions like overdose prevention training with naloxone, and sterile needle and syringe and condom distribution in addressing the harms of drugs.
West Africa 21012 ATS Situation Report
A report on the growing evidence that West Africa is a manufacturing hub for amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS) and trafficking of drugs.
Retrospective accounts of injection initiation in intimate partnerships
Narrative data collected from semi-structured ethnographic interviews with 25 relatively stable drug-using couples from two New York City areas. The analyses, concentrates on the retrospective accounts of the initiation to injection in current or former intimate partnerships.
Frontline Challenge (DDN Magazine)
An opinion piece by Chris Ford stressing the need for much greater attention to drug-related HIV issues and to reach the goal of an AIDS-free generation. Emphasizing that the AIDS strategies must include people who use drugs, and most importantly, decision makers and the rest of the field need to address this group of people with respect, and we should all fight against their discrimination and criminalisation. (page 16 and 17)
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