Can needle and syringe programmes and opiate substitution therapy achieve substantial reductions in hepatitis C virus prevalence?
A simulation model for the UK and other countries was used to estimate the impact on the spread of hepatitis C virus of scaling-up opiate substitution therapy and high coverage needle and syringe programmes.
Improving targeted screening for Hepatitis C in the UK
BMJ editorial on the important role that primary care practitioners can play in improving targeted screening for Hepatitis
IDHDP newsletter - September 2012
This issue highlights IDHDP activities, upcoming conferences, new publications, and more.
SMMGP Clinical Update August-September 2012
This document produced by SMMGP gives an update on current clinical documents for August and September 2012.
Opiate substitution treatment and HIV transmission in people who inject drugs: systematic review and meta-analysis
A study which quantifies the effect of opiate substitution treatment in relation to HIV transmission among people who inject drugs.
EHRN newsletter : The voice of harm reduction
This edition of the newsletter is focused on the topic of overdose
The economic impact of Hepatitis C in Australia
Hepatitis Australia highlights that investment in new hepatitis C treatment will cure more people of a chronic and costly condition and provide substantial economic benefits for society in the long term.
Prevalence of common chronic respiratory diseases in drug misusers: a cohort study
This study demonstrates increased respiratory disease in people who use drugs, but the structure of this study could under-report the respiratory issues in people receiving care in specialised substance misuse or shared care clinics.
European Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction strategy and work programme 2013-2015
The 2013–15 strategy is built around three top-level commitments: (a) providing a relevant, timely and responsive analysis of the drug situation; (b) efficiency: deriving maximum value from activities and investments; (c) communication and a customer-orientated approach.
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